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jeudi 22 mars 2007

YVA LAS VEGASS en Radio ATENEO. Caracas, Venezuela.

Hoy, Jueves 22 de Marzo, Polo Troconis entrevistar durante una hora como programa especial a YVA LAS VEGASS, cantante y compositora venezolana. El programa ser transmitido en vivo a las 4p.m. por la emisora ATENEO de Caracas. YVA estar contando sus ancdotas y mostrando su antologa musical. Saludos!

No Realmente Los Bee Gees !!


                               Bar a Vins - tapas 


            Samedi 24 Mars


                En Concert


Retrouvez L'AFICION sur www.baladenville.com

Muvete Bien : soire festive !!

Samedi 31 mars 2007


Mont de Marsan

dès 19h, rendez-vous l'Aficion, bar tapas-restaurant (derrière le théâtre, centre ville)

Ecoutez en avant première la dernière compilation du label SABOR DISCOS : Muévete Bien - Sabor Mestizo !!! Pas moins de 22 groupes métissant rock, reggae, ska et fusion latino.

compilations gagner, pas la peine de les graver !!! http://sabordiscos.free.fr sabor-discos@fr.st

5 DJ's pour un grand mix festif et sabroso !

- DJ JAY, rock métissé français - DJ NIGMATIK, hip hop old school - DTC CLUB, 3 DJ/collectionneurs amateurs de rock, reggae, ska, soul, funk, electro et esprit latino métissé !

entrée libre et gratuite.

renseignements et réservations: L'AFICION 4 rue Molière 40000 MDM tel: 05 58 75 12 81

Muévete Bien

Sabor Mestizo Vol.1

1 - RUDE HI-FI : Skandellara Town (3:00) 2 - FERMIN MUGURUZA & DESORDEN PUBLICO : Hitza Har Dezagun (4:37) 3 - PAPANGU : Baque Embolado (3:02) 4 - SERGENT GARCIA : Yo Me voy Pa’ La Cumbia (4:15) 5 - COSTO RICO : Luna (3:12) 6 - FLOR DEL FANGO : Diez A La Mañana (3:08) 7 - PRINCESS K’SHU & KAYA SON POSSEE : Mandunga (2:33) 8 - CHANGO : Viejo (2:51) 9 - METISOLEA : Mentira (4:08) 10 - JAHMILA : Tratando De Ver (3:20) 11 - LES CAMELEONS: La cuenta (3:41) 12 - LA KINKY BEAT : Fight (2:39) 13 - CHANGO FAMILY : Rien N’vas Plus (4:48) 14 - SKUNK : P’Adelante (4:15) 15 - CARAMELO CRIMINAL: Qué sera (2:33) 16 - THE STRIKE : Polska – live – (3:34) 17 - OKPLOÏDE : Guerra (3:11) 18 - CHE SUDAKA : Solo Uno Mismo (3:21) 19 - MAXIMUM KOUETTE : Guay (3:29) 20 - RAUL MILLON : Empapala (2:39) 21 - GO LEM SYSTEM : Loco De (3:15) 22 - IAO LATINO SYSTEM : No te Olvidaré (3:12)

Label/Sello SABOR DISCOS Association Sabor 6 rue Gaston Phoebus 40000 Mont de Marsan Francia Tel/fax : 0033 (0) 558 061 553 (répondeur/contestador) sabor-discos@fr.st http://sabordiscos.free.fr MP3 en écoute sur le site !!!


Hola K-Rabarnos! En abril regresamos con nuestra programacin. Una vez ms, traemos bandas que no podrs olvidar !!! Les esperamos todos all ! Pasa el mensaje... Abrazo

La K-Rabarna

Descripcin en Castellano, Francs, Ingls

--- Castellano

NOCHE ELECTRO-WORLD DE LA K-RABARNA EL MIERCOLES 4 DE ABRIL 2007 A LAS 21:00 En Sala (2) Apolo (C/ Nou de la Rambla 111 (M) Paral.lel) Apertura de las puertas 20:00 Conciertos entre las 21:00 y las 00:00 Entrada: 10 euros solo en taquilla + info: www.myspace.com/lakrabarna Acrediciones prensa: info@k-rabarna.com

WATCHA CLAN (Marsella) - 22:30 Con Watcha Clan, las sonoridades del mundo entero se mezclan a los samplers, y las lenguas antiguas, a la imagen del hebreu o del arabe, responden a los ritmos jungle para llegar a un estilo energtico y misterioso, mezclando las tradiciones y culturas ancestrales con las expresiones modernas del electro hip-hop..

En esta linea artstica, naci en 2003 Diaspora Hi.fi. Despus de una reclusin creativa en Algeria en junio de 2006, seguida de otra en Barcelona en septiembre (en el Instituto Francs), en motivo del BAM (Barcelona-Algeria-Marsella), el clan se enorgullece de presentar su nuevo proyecto de caravana mediterrnea. Un repertorio compuesto de piezas extradas del lbum  Le Bastion (distribuido por Ventilador) y enriquecido con las creaciones gestadas en Oran y Barcelona, lleno de cortes de sabor tradicional arreglados a su manera (dub, tance, drum'n'bass). Adems contaremos con la complicidad de msicos originarios de Barcelona (MC Ragatek y MC Gato El Qiman). La caravana se producir en el Apolo (2) y se ira por Marruecos antes de presentar este proyecto innovador por toda Europa. +info: www.myspace.com/watchaclan o www.watchaclan.com

Sista Ka : voz, guitarra, flauta Matt la Basse : bajo, contrabajo, guitarra Suprem Clem : teclado, maquinas, acorden, harmonium, meldica Supa Ju : voz, guitarra MC Ragatek de Barcelone : voz MC Gato el Qiman de Barcelone: voz + invitados barceloneses!

CATALOUNGE (Barcelona) - 21:00 Con su interesante fusin de estilos, Catalounge muestra un nuevo enfoque al mestizaje musical barcelons, en sus potentes directos la electrnica convive en perfecta armona con intrumentos tradicionales como guitarras, bajo, batera y lap steel + FX, sumados a las voces de MC Ragatek. +info: www.myspace.com/catalounge

MC GATO EL QIMAN & DJ KD - 22:00 Hip-hop perqu s divertit ni per la fama ni els calers !!!! ..... + info: www.myspace.com/gatoelqiman


NUIT LIVE ELECTRO-WORLD DE LA K-RABARNA MERCREDI 4 AVRIL 2007 A PARTIR DE 21:00 O? Sala (2) Apolo (C/ Nou de la Rambla 111 (M) Paral.lel) Ouverture des portes 20:00 Concerts entre 21:00 et 00:00 Entre: 10 euros (vente uniquement sur place) + info: www.myspace.com/lakrabarna Accreditations presse: info@k-rabarna.com

WATCHA CLAN (Marseille) - 22:30

Des montagnes des Balkans aux rivages mditerranens, des traditions orales du Maghbreb aux dancefloors londoniens, Watcha Clan propose un voyage musical et spirituel, politique et mystique o chaque membre, aux influences et aux parcours musicaux diffrents apporte son savoir et ses secrets. Sorcire gypsie, elephant-surfer des montagnes, moine encapuchonn, bardes urbains, les musiciens de cette trange confrrie du son vous invitent un priple aux multiples escales. Les sonorits du mond entier se frottent aux samplers, o les langues anciennes, l'image de l'hbreu et de l'arabe, rpondent aux tchaches pour renatre dans un style nergique et mystrieux, mlant les traditions et cultures encestrales aux expressions modernes de l'lectro hip-hop.

En 2006, Watcha clan ose enfin un set electro avec son projet Diaspora Hi-Fi, projet de caravane mditerranenne qui a commenc germer dans les ttes lors de trois concerts donns en Algrie (2003). Ce fut loccasion pour Sista Ka de retrouver une partie de ses racines Bab El Oued, quartier dAlger ou son pre juif brbre a grandi. Aprs des residences-crations en Algerie et au Maroc au printemps 2006, ainsi qu'une rsidence l'Institut Franais de Barcelone en septembre 2006 pour participer BAM (durant laquelle ils ont rencontr des artistes de la scne locale), le clan va sillonner la France et lEurope pour prsenter son nouveau projet.

Aprs les premire ames de lautoproduction ( 20 000 albums vendus en 5 ans), quelques voyages (Algrie, Runion, Inde, Cuba) et prs de 400 concerts (dont lEspagne, lAllemagne et la Hongrie-Sziget festival)), le clan vous propose un nouveau projet o naissent des ambiances et des univers plus travaills, une nergie plus canalise qui se double dmotion et de sensualit fleur de peau ; des textes qui saffinent quelle quen soit la langue.

La volont den dcoudre galement puisque le groupe, vritable bastion dindpendance, assume depuis toujours son parcours et son dveloppement : loin des places-fortes des majors, Watcha Clan runit une fois de plus ses compagnons de route afin dassumer production, promotion, tourne et continuer de faire de leur aventure un vritable voyage humain et artistique.

Nourrit de multiples horizons musicaux, le Clan prne le mtissage et lclectisme. Leurs sonorits chaleureuses et pices clatent les barrires musicales. A la croise du Reggae Dub, des traditions africaines et tsiganes, de la jungle... La chaleur des voix et la puissance des textes invitent louverture desprit, la rencontre des mondes et des cultures et convient tradition et modernit,  roots et  lectro , renatre dans un style unique et jubilatoire. Sur scne, leur lment de prdilection, lalchimie est flagrante, vocal oriental, tchatche, ragga, envoles lyriques se frottent aux beats jungle pour une transe o la danse ne tarde pas simposer.

Une invitation la danse et la mixit dans le pur esprit festif Watcha !

Sista Ka : chant, guitare, flute Matt la Basse : basse, contrebasse, guitare Suprem Clem : claviers, machines, accordeon, harmonium, mlodica Supa Ju : chant, guitare MC Ragatek de Barcelone : chant MC Gato el Qiman de Barcelone: Chant + invits barcelonais!

+info: www.myspace.com/watchaclan o www.watchaclan.com

CATALOUNGE (Barcelone) - 21:00 Dans une fusion intressante de styles, Catalounge propose une nouvelle direction au mtissage musical barcelonais. Au programme, des directes electro puissants qui se marient parfaitement avec les instruments traditionnels tels que la guitarre, la basse, la batterie ou le lap steel et le flow de MC Ragatek qui ne manque jamais de surprendre... +info: www.myspace.com/catalounge

MC GATO EL QIMAN & DJ KD (Barcelone) - 22:00 Hip-hop porque es divertido ni por la fama ni los calers !!!! ..... + info: www.myspace.com/gatoelqiman


WATCHA CLAN (Marseille) 22:30 From the balkan mountains to mediterranean shores, oral traditions from Maghreb to the London dance scene, Watcha Clan propose a musical and spiritual journey both political and mystical. Gypsy sorcerer, elephant surfer from the mountains... the musicians of this strange cooperative of sound invites you on a voyage of multiple layers. Supreme Clem's programming (Laptop, harmonium, accordion, melodica) will blossom in full liberty, supported by the sounds of the guitar and bass of Mat "La Basse" whilst leaving ever more place for the sounds of Sista Ka's vocals. The sound of the entire world intertwining with samplers, or ancient languages, in the image of Hebrew and Arabic, answering to rap styles to be reborn in an energetic style, mixing traditional and cultures to modern expression of electro hip hop.

Diaspora Hi-Fi, the mediterranean caravan project began to sprout in the mind during the three concerts performed in Algeria in 2003. After the creational residence in Oran in June followed by a stop in Barcelona (in the French Institute) in September 2006 to perform in the BAM festival, the Clan will present its project in the Apolo (2) before going to Morocco next spring for a second residence, and being investing Europe to present it from its home port of Marseille.

After the first tastes of autoproduction (20 000 albums sold in 5 years) several travels to Algeria, La Reunion, India, Cuba... and around 400 concerts (Spain, Germany, Hungria) the Clan poses itself ready to realise a new work. An album where birth will be given to a new universe even more skilled, more energetic and more focused shared in emotion and senuality, lyrically refined whatever the language.

A willingness to fight equally, as the group a real bastion of independance, assumes always its route and its development. Far from a solid place in the majors, Watcha Clan reunites once again its companions so as to assume the production, the promotion, the tour, and to continue to follow their adventure, a real voyage both artistic and human. When a mediterranean tribe flirts with the london dancefloors....

Sista Ka : voice, guitar, flute Matt la Basse : bass, contrebasse, guitar Suprem Clem : claviers, machines, accordeon, harmonium, mlodica Supa Ju : voice, guitar MC Ragatek de Barcelone : voice MC Gato el Qiman de Barcelone: voice + barcelones guests!

+info: www.myspace.com/watchaclan o www.watchaclan.com

CATALOUNGE (Barcelona) 21:00

Catalounge blends to some new kind of loungy, dubby, electro and danceable style of what we call Electro-Mestizaje. Spanish rap-lyrics, livedrums and loops, effects, funky guitars and a booming bass: Certainly one kind of special underground boy group. Placed in the cosmopolitan Barcelona with origins from all over the world, the 6 very different musicians have been playing together for almost one year.

Not long ago, Gambeat, Manu Chaos and Mano negra's bass player got to know Catalounge, was fascinated and since then supports them within his own musical network

In April 2006, their first EP came out: "Home". Taking in consideration the different heritages of the players (South America, Europe, Africa) the title "Home" seems somewhat ironic. On a deeper look, their music and the mix of cultures just defines for them the current centre of their lifes: where to relax, where to come to, where to feel right, home. Their liveshows are great entertainment: They start with dubby, loungy soundscapes, rise the tention with disco-like funk-tunes and put the audience in extasy with rocky and cross-overy intoxicating songs. +info: www.myspace.com/catalounge

GATO EL QIMAN & DJ KD Hip-hop perqu s divertit ni per la fama ni els calers !!!! ..... + info: www.myspace.com/gatoelqiman

Sprawl Zone playlists !!! Malte !!!

Hello Hervi,

I hope you are ok my friend. I send you the last stuff I spinned on the radio show.I hope they rock!! Have a nice day!

The playlist of Sprawl Zone:

1)St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review 2)Open Season 3)Pressure Cooker 4)Big D and the Kids Table(I introduced the album "Strictly Rude") 5)The Astors 6)Henry&the Seven 7)Barbara Lewis 8)The Aggronauts 9)Rude Rich and the High Notes 10)Green Island 11)Doctor Echo 12)The Drastics 13)Johhny Colon 14)Seespot 15)Adji

The playlist of Sprawl Zone:

1)The Chosen Few 2)The Aggrolites 3)Ska Cubano 4)Firebug(I introduced their album "On the Move") 5)After Hours 6)Calibre 38 7)Jazzbo 8)Eddy Senay 9)USCB All Stars 10)Skafari 11)The Harmonics 12)Aztecas Tupro and Stucky 13)Alpha Boy School 14)Go Jimmy Go

All the best, Savvas

the Wackies en concert !!

Bonjour toutes et tous

Contrairement ce qui avait t annonc, Mell ne se produira pas au caf Boissec dans le cadre du festival  Chantons sous les pins dimanche prochain 25 mars 17h00. Spectacle annul par un producteur indlicat. Dommage pour elle. Dommage pour nous

Nanmoins, tout nest pas perdu. Lassociation MTT propose le spectacle tout feu, tout flamme des jeunes et talentueux The Wackies.

Arms d'instruments jouets drobs leurs petits frres, les The Wackies rinterprtent des tubes interplantaires, transgnrationnels et parfois injustement oublis la sauce bricolated jazz & rock'n'toys, en respectant leur ultime devise: Sex, Toys, and Rock'n Roll.

Un petit aperu ?? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=112268267

DIMANCHE 25 mars 2007





Pour info, les The Wackies se produiront la veille samedi 24 mars 20h30 lAtrium Caf Dax. En premire partie, Leslie Leblond.

Egalement, spcial copinage, dans le cadre du festival  Chantons sous les pins , M.A.P. et Karpatt seront Mugron vendredi 23 mars partir de 21h00 . Ouahh !!

Vous faites quoi le week-end prochian ??



C'est la der des ders???!! De la saison !!


adresse : 75 av leon gambetta MONT DE MARSAN discothque la VILLA en centre ville 2 cours de CUBAINE 15h30: dbutants pas de base 16h30 : intermdiaires 17h30 musique jusqu' 21h00 yan aux platines A dimanche yan

es lo que hay : article sur Manu Chao

Vendredi 27.04.2007 
 VIA ROCK 2007

Benicassim (Castellon) - Espagne


Les dates de la tourne Amricaine en

attendant la sortie du nouvel album...



un peu d'info

sur Barcelona...

6me anniversaire de Radio Chango



TOURE KUNDA le 31 mars 2007 la Gespe !!!

Le samedi 31 mars 2007, 21h, la SMAC de La Gespe (Tarbes, 65) reoit Toure Kunda. Les frres lphants reprennent la route pour renouer avec la chaleur des concerts ! Ce duo, qui a dj initi bon nombre d'oreilles franaises la world music, nous mne au travers de son spectacle dans un voyage guid par les multiples courants musicaux qui soufflent sur le monde. En premire partie, WAB fera vibrer ses cordes vocales pour une prestation spciale Beat Box !

Samedi 31 mars 2007 21h TOURE KUNDA (world music) WAB (beat box) Tarifs : 14/10

Plus d'infos ci-dessous.

Nhsitez pas me contacter au pour de plus amples informations ou pour une interview.

En vous remerciant, Cordialement,

Renaud Marsan

TOURE KUNDA (world music)

Les frres Tour chantent en diola, wolof et mandingue sur leurs compositions mlangeant habilement Rock, Funk, Mbalax et les rythmes du  Djambaadong , la danse des feuilles pratique par les futurs circoncis mandingues en Casamance. Cest la premire formation de musique africaine s'tre impose sur le scne francophone comme une valeur sre. L'appellation World Music est quasiment ne avec leur succs.

Contact promo : Laurent Milcent (Full Force) : / laurentmilcent@free.frSite du groupe > >

WAB (percussions corporelles et vocales)

Quest ce quun WAB ? Wab est un tre humain constitu dun ensemble de sons, il joue de sa voix comme dun instrument : trompette, basse, batterie, onomatopes, solo de guitare et plus puisquaffinit ! Wab est un ohm plein de vibrations. Une voix qui dclame avec conviction. Un homme qui se projette dans lespace. Qui lance au loin ses intuitions et qui, dun sourire du cur, fait danser les papillons. Wab est un mineur majeur qui sduit les grands et donne rver aux enfants. Accompagn de son fidle sampler, fabrique, en direct, la manire dun ptissier, un mille feuilles vocal ahurissant, sensible et nergique. Wab a dix ans de scne dans la musette et, maintenant, il vient chez vous, tout seul, comme un grand. Dtail : Wab est un type bien !

SMAC de la Gespe - Gespe Animation Spectacle - 23 rue Paul Czanne - 65000 Tarbes - Site web : www.lagespe.com tl. : - Fax : - Courriel : lagespe@hotmail.com

soire salsa Hossegor

Soire SALSA au "Blue Caf" samedi 24 Mars 2007 partir de 22h30

Le Blue Caf Place des Landais 40150 Hossegor

Soire Timba,Portoricaine,Bachata,Merengue

Djyan aux platines

news Do the Dog Music !!!

http://www.dothedog.com http://www.myspace.com/dothedogmusic

Do The Dog Music News - March 2007

Scroll down the page for all the Do The Dog bands' TOUR DATES.

To celebrate 11 years of the label a DO THE DOG MUSIC 11TH ANNIVERSARY BASH will take place on Saturday 26th May at The Rhythm Factory, 16 18 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1EW (nearest tubes Whitechapel & Aldgate East). Appearing at the Bash will be Rebelation, Too Many Crooks, The Scrub, APB, 3 Minute Warning & New Town Kings & doors will be open from 6pm til 11.30pm. Tickets for the event are available now for 7.75 each (cheque payable to Do The Dog Music) from: Do The Dog Music, 65 Blackdown Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 3FY. The venues capacity is only 300, so if you are planning to come along then please order your tickets in advance directly from Do The Dog Music HQ now to avoid disappointment! The 7.75 ticket fee includes postage & you will not have to pay a booking fee when ordering from us.

After 6 months of hard work involving 10 musicians, 25 instruments & 15 songs, the brand new REBELATION album is at last finished. The album was recorded at Purple Studios in Norwich by Laurence Eaves (who also recorded 3 tracks on the previous Rebelation release "Pounds & Pence"). The new album contains the finest cuts of rockin' reggae, smoothest rocksteady & scorching ska! It will be released in April on Do The Dog Music & the band will be taking to the road to promote the CD. A UK tour through April, May & June is being booked & there are also plans for a limited edition vinyl release & a Rebelation European tour later in the year.

Here at Do The Dog HQ we are happy to announce that the latest addition to the labels stable of bands are SQUID 58. This Brighton & Cornwall based 4 piece is the new band formed by ex-Hotknives' lead vocalist Mick Clare. For this new project Mick has teamed up with ex-Ska'd For Life members Tim, Alan & Dom to create a highly infectious brand of 2 tone ska. Much like vintage Hotknives before them, Squid 58 lace their songs with melancholy story telling vocals & beautiful pop melodies. Their excellent 10 song debut CD, titled "Dismantled", (which was self-released by the band last year) will be released soon on Do The Dog Music. Check out 4 super cool Squid 58 tunes at http://www.myspace.com/squid58

Another brand new addition to the Do The Dog Music stable are ETTIN. This young 4 piece crew hail from the Sussex town of Worthing & have a really fresh infectious sound, mixing up chilled out reggae & dub stylings with upbeat 3rd wave ska & dreamy female vocals. Since their first gig at the end of 2005, Ettin have played with loads of bands around Sussex & notched up Brighton support slots with Toots & The Maytals & The Slackers. The band will be in the studio very soon to record their debut album, which should hopefully be released by Do The Dog Music in April or May. You can check out 4 fab Ettin tunes at http://www.myspace.com/ettinuk

Out now On Do The Dog Music is the long awaited re-release of Brighton ska kings TOO MANY CROOKS' superb second album "Inside"! Originally released almost a decade ago on the now defunct T Leaf Records, "Inside" has been unavailable for a few years, so here at Do The Dog HQ we've decided to give it a new lease of life! The new Do The Dog version of the album comes complete with groovy new artwork & has been re-mastered with 4 previously unreleased bonus tracks! Fans of Madness, Ian Dury & Bad Manners should snap up this 2 tone ska masterpiece without delay! To order your copy go to the Releases page at http://www.dothedog.com The end of January saw the Crooks pick up some Radio 1 airplay for their track "New Killer Ska" courtesy of Mike Davies' Punk Show.

Both Too Many Crooks & Ettin will be appearing at the next BRIGHTON SKA FESTIVAL at the Concorde 2 venue, Brighton Seafront on Sunday 15th April. The full line up for the festival is: The Hotknives, Too Many Crooks, Les Skalopes, Ettin, Just Called Charlie, The Meow Meows, Mr Shiraz, 2nd Time Lucky, The Karmatones, Pissed Resistska & Death By Ska. Doors will be open from 3-11pm & entry will cost you 10 on the door.

Due out soon on Do The Dog Music is the debut album from fast rising Essex based outfit NEW TOWN KINGS. Formed in the summer of 2004 this 9 piece played their first live show in Colchester in December 2005 & have since been setting venues across Essex & East Anglia alight with their super catchy live show! The New Town Kings' sound draws influence from original Jamaican artists such as The Skatalites, Toots & The Maytals, King Tubby & Des Dekker, as well as the New York stylings of The Slackers & King Django & UK 2 tone legends The Specials & their highly infectious brand of 2 tone ska, reggae & dub looks set to gain them many new fans over the next few years. The band's debut album looks set to be released in March or April on Do The Dog Music & New Town Kings plan to play loads of UK & European dates this year. You can check out 4 kick ass New Town Kings' tunes on their Myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/newtownkings

FOUR 0 have been working hard on their soon to be released debut album on Do The Dog Music. Final touches on the artwork for the release are being done now. The album will be titled "Across The Borderline" & will feature 11 tracks. The Swanage based 4 piece, who play a smoothly flowing, relaxed brand of ska & reggae in the mould of Sublime & Sadies Doll, are also currently training up their recently acquired new drummer Nathan.

The start of February saw SMOKE LIKE A FISH head over the Channel for their first ever live dates in France. The band played 4 highly successful French shows & if you take a look at the news page on http://www.smokelikeafish.co.uk you can read a hilarious diary of the tour. Gin frenzies, car bouncing, cable TV appearances, tardis-like snoring, lost shoes, Wursel singalongs & onstage bust ups all played a part in the latest SLAF adventure! More across water exploits will see the band head off to Germany & France in September.

Plans are also afoot for another PDF FESTIVAL in the SLAF orchard in mid Wales this summer. This year the festival will be a 2 day event & looks set to feature live sets by Splitters, Rebelation, Zen Baseballbat, The Big, 3 Minute Warning, New Town Kings, Skalinskis, SLAF, Subtronix, Tatty Syrup, 24/7 & loads more. The festival will take place on 27th & 28th July. Tickets will be limited to 400 & will cost 15 for the weekend. For more PDF Festival info email info@smokelikeafish.co.uk

January saw 3 MINUTE WARNING have a live session broadcast on BBC Radio Wales. The session featured the songs "The Ripper", "TV Is On" & "Sussed Out". The band have been working hard on material for the follow up album to their "Tramps Jackpot" disc on Do The Dog Music. 12 tracks have been penned so far & once they have a few more they will take the best into the studio. New tracks include "Have This", "On The Run" & "Vauxhall Nova". 3 Minute Warning are currently booking gigs for a summer tour where they will be performing their new material.

PAMA INTERNATIONAL will very soon follow up the release of their highly aclaimed "Trojan Sessions" album with a 10" vinyl EP titled "Pama International Meets Manasseh" on their own new label, Rockers Revolt Records. The disc will feature 4 superb dub re-workings of tunes from the "Trojan Sessions" album. The 4 tracks are "Neither High Nor Dub" (featuring Dennis Alcapone), "It's All About The Dub", "Betterment Dub" (featuring Dawn Penn) & "Fisherman Dub" (featuring Winston Francis & AJ Franklin). You can order the vinyl EP from http://www.pamainternational.co.uk

In other Pama International news the band are back in the studio recording their 5th album. Lynval Golding flew in from the States to begin work on the as yet untitled CD with the rest of the band in February. Pama International are working on 20 tracks of which they are going to cherry pick the best 12 or so for the release. Tracks being recorded include "Tomorrows News Today", "World War 3", "Doomsayers/The Use In Trying", "You Got Me/I Miss You", "Lovely Wife" & "The Race For Inner Space". The direction of the new album is reportedly dub fuelled roots rockers mayhem. Pama International will be touring from April through to mid September to promote the album, which should see a release around June time. The upcoming tour will include a bunch of summer festival appearances including Glastonbury, Eastern Haze, Dunstaffnage, Rebellion & Ostroda in Poland.

SPLITTERS are currently in the studio working on the follow up to their "Good Time Trouble" album on Do The Dog Music. As well as this new album, other Splitters planned releases in the works include a limited edition vinyl single & a dub version of "Good Time Trouble". Titled "Dub Time Trouble", this album is being engineered between Steve Vibronics (Scoops Records) & Paul Aryiss (The Tone, Hardskin). Meanwhile the long awaited Splitters' remix album is nearing completion & is also set for release this year. It features old & new Splitters' tracks in dub, drum n bass, electronica & ambient styles with mixes from Vibronics, Subtronix & Victor Rice. The band are also having their website overhauled for a re-launch at the end of March by Convolution Design. Splitters will be touring in Ireland & Europe later in the year, as well as appearing at the Rebellion & Summer Sundae Festivals. Ted & Steve Splitter also have a new hardcore side project band up & running called BlackEyeFriday.

Big news from the SKYLAR camp! The Southampton trad ska/reggae maestros have started recording their eagerly awaited 2nd album. The recordings will be spread across the next couple of months as the band are also busy with other projects. Matt, Nick & Rob have reformed Howards Alias & toured the UK in December.

SADIES DOLL members Dan & Jack are in the early stages of writing new songs for their new band, which looks set to also feature The Scrub's frontman Justin on drums. Watch out for some live dates from the trio in the not too distant future.

APB have recruited a new drummer to their line up in the shape of ex-Dead Pets' sticksman Tom. The band will begin gigging regularly again at the end of March. You can check out 4 fab brand new reggae/ska APB tunes at http://www.myspace.com/adubbypunkyband

THE SCRUB continue to slave away on work for their long awaited debut album release. Their Myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/thescrub has an excellent new song "Sideshow" up for people to have a listen to. The start of April will see The Scrub play some shows with Satori & Chris Murray & also a date with Westbound Train.

DAVID HILLYARD & THE ROCKSTEADY 7 have a new live CD, titled "Way Out East", out now. The album was recorded in Jena, East Germany on the band's 2004 European tour & was released on the Spanish label Brixton Records. The Rocksteady 7 played a European tour in January & February.

DUFF MUFFIN is dead, long live THE JB CONSPIRACY! Yes those loveably lazy Muffins have a new name & a brand new album. The album, titled "This Machine", is an absolute corker, the best ska/punk release i have heard in many a moon in fact & is out now on Gravity DIP Records. Having recently played some highly successful support slots with Capdown, The JB Conspiracy will be touring the UK again in May with Sonic Boom Six. You can order their new "This Machine" album from http://www.gravitydip.com

After numerous delays the CATCH IT KEBABS' 2nd CD, "Return Of The Kebabulance" has at last been released by Riot Music. And the long wait was definitely worth it as this is another great release from the band, serving up 7 kick ass helpings of their trademark fusion of 2 tone, 3rd wave ska, swing & skacore. You can order the CD now from http://www.punkermentality.com

TOUR DATES - support your local ska scene!

APB 31 03 London, 12 Bar 07 04 Bradford, Love Apple 08 04 Leeds, Josephs Well 20 04 Keighley, Victoria Hall 05 05 Bradford, 1 In 12 Club 14 05 London, Camden Purple Turtle 26 05 London, Rhythm Factory Do The Dog Bash 09 08 Blackpool, Winter Gardens - Rebellion Festival

CATCH IT KEBABS 24 03 Barnsley, Arches 25 03 Manchester, Retro Bar 30 03 Workington, Monroes Bar 31 03 Ashington, Football Club 01 04 Bournemouth, Landmarc 06 04 Nottingham, Rose Of England 07 04 Cambridge, Portland Arms 08 04 Worcester, Evolution 08 04 Reading, Face Bar 09 04 Hebden Bridge, Trades Club 10 04 London, Camden Purple Turtle 11 04 Newbury, Football Club 12 04 Bristol, The Junction 13 04 Hereford, Imperial 14 04 London, Rhythm Factory 15 04 Swansea, Monkey Bar 21 04 Barnsley, Arches 28 04 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 26 05 Barnsley, Arches 13 07 Nottingham, Rose Of England 14 07 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 14 07 North Berwick, The Big Event 15 07 Scarborough, Zero 27 07 Newtown, venue tbc - PDF Festival 28 07 Pontdolgoch, Neuadd Newydd - PDF Festival 28 07 Barnsley, venue tbc BOM Festival 29 07 Leicester, The Shed 10 08 Swansea, The New York 11 08 Narbeth, Queens Hall Welsh Ska Festival

ETTIN 30 03 Worthing, The Rest 06 04 Worthing, The Rest 15 04 Brighton, Concorde 2 Brighton Ska Festival 04 05 Worthing, Assembly Hall 07 07 Hove, Portland Rock Bar 13 08 Exeter, The Hub

FOUR 0 23 03 Swanage, White Swan 25 03 Boscombe, Green Room 01 04 Bournemouth, Landmarc 05 05 Swanage, White Swan 23 06 Swanage, White Swan 04 08 Swanage, White Swan


THE JB CONSPIRACY (ex-Duff Muffin) 06 04 London, Camden Underworld 14 04 London, Rhythm Factory 19 04 Kingston, Peel 30 04 Southend, Chinnerys 01 05 Derby, Victoria Inn 02 05 Leicester, Charlotte 03 05 Stoke On Trent, Sugarmill 04 05 Mansfield, Town Mills 05 05 Sheffield, D'N'R Live Bar 07 05 Newcastle, Trillians 08 05 Glasgow, Barfly 09 05 Carlisle, Brickyard 10 05 London, venue tbc 11 05 Oxford, Zodiac 12 05 Luton, University 13 05 Brighton, Engine Rooms 10 08 Blackpool, Winter Gardens - Rebellion Festival

NEW TOWN KINGS 23 03 Ipswich, Steamboat Tavern 07 04 Scarborough, venue tbc Scooter Rally 19 04 London, Shoreditch The Edge 20 04 Ipswich, Steamboat Tavern 27 04 Colchester, East Mersea Youth Camp - Bum In The Mud Rally 04 05 Norwich, Cricketers Arms 06 05 Birmingham, Custard Factory 11 05 Ashington, Football Club 12 05 Hartlepool, The Studio 18 05 Kettering, Sawyers 26 05 London, Rhythm Factory Do The Dog Bash 13 07 Bristol, Mr Wolf's Noodle Bar 14 07 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 15 07 Brighton, Concorde 2 - Brighton Ska Festival 26 07 Swindon, 12 Bar 27 07 Swansea, The New York 28 07 Pontdolgoch, Neuadd Newydd PDF Ska Festival 09 11 Great Yarmouth, venue tbc Speedfreaks Ball

PAMA INTERNATIONAL 20 04 Southampton, The Joiners 27 04 Exeter, Phoenix 28 04 Falmouth, Princess Pavilion 03 05 Leeds, Hi Fi Club 04 05 Hebden Bridge, Trades Club 12 05 Nottingham, The Maze 01 06 Narbeth, Queens Hall 02 06 Chester, Telfords Warehouse 08 06 London, Jazz Cafe 09 06 Bristol, Clockwork 21 06 Glastonbury, Glastonbury Festival 13 07 Bournemouth, Opera House 14 07 Milton Keynes, Pitz 20 07 Somerleyton, Somerleyton Hall Estate - Eastern Haze Festival 28 07 Oban, venue tbc - Dunstaffnage Festival 29 07 Edinburgh, Club Ego 09 08 Blackpool, Winter Gardens - Rebellion Festival

REBELATION 13 04 London, 100 Club 14 04 Boston, Axe & Cleaver 22 05 Southampton, Soul Cellar 25 05 Cambridge, Man On The Moon 26 05 London, Rhythm Factory Do The Dog Bash 16 06 Hunstanton, venue tbc Lifestyles Festival 23 06 Kings Lynn, venue tbc Vancouver Festival 24 06 London, Camden Dingwalls

THE SCRUB 03 04 Southampton, The Joiners 04 04 Bristol, The Cooler 05 04 Peterborough, Met Lounge 06 04 London, Camden Underworld 07 04 Harlow, Square 05 05 Bath, Pavillion 26 05 London, Rhythm Factory Do The Dog Bash 27 05 Manchester, Retro Bar 11 08 Blackpool, Winter Gardens Rebellion Festival

SMOKE LIKE A FISH 14 04 London, Rhythm Factory 26 04 Leicester, The Shed 27 04 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 18 05 Kettering, Sawyers 16 06 Hunstanton, venue tbc Lifestyles Festival 22 06 Darlington, Forum 24 06 London, Camden Dingwalls 07 07 Llanfairfechan, Castle 14 07 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 28 07 Pontdolgoch, Neuadd Newydd - PDF Festival 11 08 Narbeth, Queens Hall Welsh Ska Festival 15 09 Mainz (Germany), Reduit 10 11 Great Yarmouth, venue tbc Speedfreaks Ball

SPLITTERS 30 03 Swansea, New York 02 04 Leicester, Charlotte

3 MINUTE WARNING 30 03 Alnwick, Falcons Rest 31 03 Ashington, Football Club 13 04 Leamington Spa, Kellys 27 04 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 29 04 Manchester, Retro Bar 09 05 Rhyl, Bar Blu 12 05 Stockport, Thatched House 25 05 Swansea, The New York 26 05 London, Rhythm Factory Do The Dog Bash 02 06 Rhyl, Dudley Arms 05 07 Nottingham, Junction 7 14 07 Bishops Castle, Three Tuns 27 07 Newtown, venue tbc - PDF Ska Festival 11 08 Narbeth, Queens Hall

TOO MANY CROOKS 15 04 Brighton, Concorde 2 Brighton Ska Festival 26 05 London, Rhythm Factory Do The Dog Bash

nouvel album Karamelo Santo !!!

Direccin de Derechos Humanos Municipalidad de La Plata Dra. Nora Ungaro

En memoria de un nuevo aniversario del ltimo golpe militar queremos homenajear con cario a los ms de 30 mil desaparecidos que enfrentaron la dictadura ms sangrienta que sufri nuestro pas y manifestar nuestro definitivo repudio al terrorismo de Estado. Terrorismo de Estado que se ensa con la ciudad de La Plata, cuna de militantes sociales y pensadores, hombres, mujeres y jvenes que estuvieron a la altura de los acontecimientos, se pusieron de pi y no dudaron en dar su vida por una Patria justa, libre y soberana.

Hoy los homenajeamos con  alegra y,  sin bajar los brazos,

continuamos luchando para lograr los ideales de todos nuestros compaeros desaparecidos.


SABADO 24- Plaza Moreno 15:00 hs. Apertura- Bandas locales: Plus Mas- La Caverna-Negusa Negast- Cierre: KARAMELO SANTO



Musicalmente maduros, los Karamelo Santo vuelven al ruedo con un nuevo disco para mostrarle al mundo el resultado de sus casi 15 aos de trabajo. La gente arriba expresa de forma artstica el crisol de vivencias de los pueblos latinoamericanos, acompaando cada verso con ritmos que mezclan la msica latina con otros compases gentiles, cristalizando as su mensaje de diversidad.

Grabado en su propio estudio El Cangrejo Records, bajo la produccin artstica de Guillermo GOY Ogalde y como productor asociado Charly Desidney , Karamelo Santo puso la mezcla y la masterizacin en las manos de lvaro Villagra, realizadas en el estudio Abasto Al Pasto, quien se encarg del mismo trabajo en Haciendo Bulla, manteniendo el estilo y sonido nico de la banda.

Este es un disco cosmopolita, con una clara misin de humanidad y un fuerte compromiso con la gente, su fuerza y la Madre Tierra, que se expresa desde el arte de tapa, donde se muestra un rostro heterogneo, resultado de la unin de distintas razas. El mestizaje de msica y cultura se destaca como la identidad de la banda, que imprime en este disco su indiscutible marca registrada poniendo una vez ms a la gente por encima de todo.

El resultado se vislumbra en el primer corte, Pon la gente arriba, que ya est sonando en las radios ms importantes del rock nacional. Este tema alude a la diversidad de razas, intereses y creencias, izando la bandera de la liberacin para contribuir con la desaparicin de los estigmas de las sociedades modernas.

El video de este primer corte se film en abril en la Capital Federal, en dos jornadas de grabacin, bajo la direccin de Gonzalo Gerardin y la produccin de Martn Ponce para Benditas Producciones.

El disco incluye 14 temas, que totalizan ms de 40 minutos de duracin, entre los que adems del corte se destaca un cover de What a Wonderfull World que sorprender a la audiencia y Mi Plantita Chiquita, tema que realiz GOY Ogalde para su recin nacido hijo, Homero.

Track list de LA GENTE ARRIBA:

1 - El ritmo indecente (Rosafa/ Karamelo Santo) 2:12 2 - Papa Noah 3:40 3 - Hay un diablo (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 3:26 4 - El Alcatraz 3:33 5 What a Wonderfull World 4:10 6 - Mi plantita chiquita (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 3:44 7 - Pon la gente arriba (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 3:36 8 - Barajas (Corominas /Karamelo Santo) 3:20 9 - La Suerte dub (Corominas /Karamelo Santo) 2:52 10 - Yo a tu casa no voy (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 4:43 11 - El mejor (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 3:12 12 - La vida con su furia (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 2:26 13 - Estara mejor (Corominas /Karamelo Santo) 2:53


14. Hay un diablo (Ogalde Gluzman/ Karamelo Santo) 3:26

Formacin actual de Karamelo Santo: Guillermo GOY Ogalde (guitarra y voz), Pedro PIRO Rosafa (percusin y voz), DIEGO Aput (bajo), LUCAS Villafae (teclado y acorden), MARIANO Ponce de Len (batera), GODY Corominas (percusin y voz), PABLO Clavijo (saxo)


Lundi 02 avril entre 13h30 et 14h30 sur les ondes de Radio Grenouille 88.8fm, mission spcial  Carabe-Brsil anim par Ernesto Concha. Gagnez des places pour le concert de Lenine lUsine Istres le 05.04.2007.

  • LENINE jeudi 5 avril 21h tarif. 18/15 *

  • Pop brsilienne*

  • Auteur-compositeur-interprte, LENINE a souvent mis son art au service d'une ide potique de l'agitation sociale. Emigr Rio il a plus de vingt, il n'a pas renonc l'identit musicale de son Nordeste natal. Enfant du maracatu, des bals forro et des joutes verbales des repentistas, Lenine n'a jamais hsit marier ces styles la samba ou au chorinho carioca, nourris aussi de brasses rock, funk, reggae et jazz. Une soire haute en couleurs ne surtout pas manquer.

l'Usine : RN 569 - 13800 Istres

Tel: 04 42 56 02 21

Fax: 04 42 11 88 21


62, chemin de St Jean du dsert

13005 Marseille / France info@salsapaca.com


Tl : (00 33) 491 483 979

Cl: (00 33) 616 096 595




22, 23 et 24 mars 2007 Saint Etienne (42)


Jeudi 22 mars – 19h30 – Clé d’Voute (Rue Basse des Rives) Saint-Etienne :

DJ LOLITA PEEL (Mix, Flashback & more...) TWELVE from High Tone (Live Machine Electro Scratch) REDBONG ( Electro Hip Hop)

6 € sur place Happy Hour au bar de 20h 21h

Vendredi 23 mars – 19h30 – Hall C (Parc des Expos) Saint-Etienne :

KNX CREW (Chanson Electro Rap) SEMTAZONE (Chanson Rock Energique) MON COTE PUNK (Chanson Française)

12€ en prévente (+ frais de loc. éventuels) 14€ sur Place Happy Hour au bar de 20h 21h

Samedi 24 mars – 19h30 - Hall C (Parc des Expos) Saint-Etienne :

MARYPOPPERS (Noise’n’roll) PUNISH YOURSELF (Electro Punk Gore) KALY LIVE DUB (Electro Dub Psychédélique)

12€ en prévente (+ frais de loc. éventuels) 14€ sur Place Happy Hour au bar de 20h 21h

Pass Vendredi + Samedi 20 € en prévente (+ frais de loc. éventuels) 24 € sur place


Réservation, Billetterie :

SAINT ETIENNE FNAC, Carrefour, Géant, Office de Tourisme, Kiosque Tréfilerie, Bold Records, Little Soba

ANNONAY La Presqu’île


LYON Jarring Effects


ROANNE Forum Espace Culture





Pour vous tenir au courant de la SALSA dans la region informer et etre informer, pour communiquer vous avez les forums : le forum de la lettre http://rock-salsa-jazz-sudouest.ouvaton.org/phpBB2/index.php le forum de SLY http://salsa-by-locachica.conceptbb.com/index.htm pour voir des videos des soires et autres http://thelatingazett.skyblog.com/ pour voir des videos de passes etc. http://rock-salsa-jazz-sudouest.ouvaton.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=83&sid=957d564ec37739abdb71d506e6f89f26 http://rock-salsa-jazz-sudouest.ouvaton.org/salsa.php http://www.videosalsa.com/fr/listevideos.php?language=fr

Le PORTAIL ROCK SALSA JAZZ du SUD OUEST Mail : rock-salsa-jazz-sudouest@ouvaton.org


le Cayo Coco Biarritz

Bonjour las Salseras y los Salseros !!!!

Dornavant, le Cayo Coco ouvre le vendredi partir de 21h30 au lieu de 20h00....

N'oubliez pas, je vous attends tous les vendredi pour l'initiation la salsa, bachata, merengue et cha cha cha !!!!!!

A vendredi !!!

Eric (Dj Cayo Coco)

Tumbao Caliente en vivo !!!



Concert Salsa ce samedi 24 mars 23h00 au Casino d'Hendaye

avec "Tumbao Caliente"

Venez danser!!!!!!!!!! Le PORTAIL ROCK SALSA JAZZ du SUD OUEST Mail : rock-salsa-jazz-sudouest@ouvaton.org


skanews : un film sur mouvement 2 tone !

Film to be made about 2 Tone scene 'Clubbed' to feature 'Shameless' actor The early 80s British 2 Tone scene is set to be immortalised in a new film.

'Clubbed' is set to star 'Shameless' actress Maxine Peake, and will be directed by 'Taxi!' director Neil Thompson. 'Shameless' creator Paul Abbott is the executive producer of the film.

The movie will be set in Coventry, the home of the sharp-suited, ska-influenced scene of 2 Tone, which saw bands like The Specials, The Selecter and The Beat rising to prominence. The scene influenced the sound of bands like The Ordinary Boys and The Enemy.

The plotline involves a factory worker on the verge of a nervous breakdown who finds his life changed following his involvement with a group of club doormen.

The film will be scored by M-People's Paul Heard, and will feature a diverse variety of 80s ska, Northern Soul and R&B tracks.

The movie is set to be released in early 2008.

http://skanews.net http://french-mis.be (Madness fan site)

Donaldo Flores en concert !

concert de Donaldo Flors qui aura lieu le 19 Avril 2007 au Terra Brasilis.


radio 404 !!


Voici l'aide mmoire hebdomadaire pour buscasalsa.com et Salsa404 ! En l'occurence, il s'agit de se souvenir de l'mission de guayacan sur Radio 404 tous les jeudis de 21h 23h...

Jeudi nous aurons une exclu mondiale de Los Del Monte avant leur concert de samedi voir Grande Fiesta Mtisse, mais aussi d'autres morceaux de la scne franaise avant une balade entre Cuba Puerto Rico et la Colombie aux rythmes du Son, du Songo, de la Salsa, du Currulao, de la Charanga, du Bolro...

N'hsitez pas m'envoyer vos commentaires

jeudi, et bon voyage !

Pour outer avec VLC / iTunes / Winamp c'est ici Pour couter avec Windows media player c'est ici Vous pouvez aussi couter sur le site si vous avez le plugin Real Player (colonne de droite)

news Deldongo, salsa !


oaxaca mexique

Prsentation publique du rapport de

> > la Commission Civile Internationale d?Observation des Droits


> >(CCIODH) sur les vnements de l?Oaxaca (Mexique) > > > > le samedi 24 mars entre 14 et 17 heures > > au Studio de l?Ermitage, 8 rue de l?Ermitage Paris 20me > > (M Jourdain, Mnilmontant ou Gambetta). > > > > Du 17 dcembre 2006 au 20 janvier 2007, quarante et un


> >originaires de sept pays se sont rendus au Mexique, afin de


les > > >tmoignages directs concernant les graves atteintes aux droits


> >survenus au cours du conflit qui a secou l?tat de Oaxaca pendant > >plusieurs mois. 3360 personnes et organisations dans le monde

entier ont

> >apport leur signature en soutien cette initiative. > > > > La CCIODH est un organisme indpendant, pluriel et non


Les > >personnes qui l?intgrent partagent le souci du Respect des Droits Humains > > >individuels et collectifs comme conqute majeure de l?humanit et > >dfendent la promotion de ces droits comme exigence universelle.? > > > > C?est la cinquime fois que la CCIODH se rend au Mexique. Elle


> >constitue pour la premire fois en janvier 1998 en raison de > l?indignation > >que le massacre de 45 hommes, femmes et enfants dans la communaut > indienne > >d?Acteal au Chiapas avait suscit au niveau international. A cette > occasion > >210 observateurs originaires de 11 pays s?taient rendus sur place


> >rapport labor par la suite fait tat de la grave dtrioration


la > >situation des Droits Humains dans l?Etat mexicain du Chiapas. > > > > Les deux visites suivantes se sont ralises galement au


En > >novembre 1999 la CCIODH a pu constater l?aggravation des

conditions de

vie > > >dans les communauts provoques par l?augmentation de la militarisation > >dans la zone de conflit ainsi que l?impunit absolue pour les


> >paramilitaires qui sment la terreur au sein des communauts Indiennes. En > > >mars 2002, un an et demi aprs l?entre en fonction du


de > >Vicente Fox, l?tat du conflit au Chiapas a t valu. > > > > Pour la seule anne 2006, la CCIODH s?est rendue deux fois au Mexique. > >En mai 2006 la suite de la rpression brutale qui s?est exerce contre > la > >population de San Salvador Atenco dans l?Etat de Mexico et ds la


> >dcembre 2006 pour documenter la situation des droits humains dans l?Etat > >de Oaxaca. > > > > Les rapports labors partir du travail d?observation sont ensuite > >remis tous les interlocuteurs de la Commission au Mexique y


les > >organismes gouvernementaux de l?tat de Oaxaca et du gouvernement > fdral, > > toutes les organisations et personnes ayant soutenu l?initiative


aux > >institutions internationales (Parlement europen, Centramricain, > >parlements nationaux, Haut Commissariat aux Droits Humains des


> >Unies, entre autres?) > > > > Le rapport ainsi que des extraits d?une vido ralise par la CCIODH > >Oaxaca seront prsents par des participants franais la cinquime > visite > >de la CCIODH. Des participants de prcdentes visites de la


> seront > >galement prsents. > > > > Avec le soutien du Comit de solidarit avec les peuples du


en > >Lutte (CSPCL), France Amrique Latine, Ya Basta, Caracol


> > > > www.cciodh.pangea.org > > Contact Paris : 06 03 92 41 64

news Jim Murple Memorial

Coucou !

- 2 titres du nouvel album sont en coute sur le site myspace des Murple : http://www.myspace.com/jimmurple

- Le nouvel album des Murple sintitulera Put the Things Right

- La pochette de Put the Things Right ressemblera ceci :

- La semaine prochaine, 2 nouveaux titres dcouvrir sur le site des Murple : http://www.jimmurplememorial.com/
