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dimanche 29 avril 2007

Ptition pour le maintien du vote papier

Je viens de signer la "Ptition pour le maintien du vote papier", cette adresse : http://ordinateurs-de-vote.org/vp J'en parle autour de moi parce qu'il y a urgence.

Ce printemps, plus d'un million d'lecteurs voteront obligatoirement au moyen d'ordinateurs, parce que leur mairie en a dcid ainsi : dans une grande partie des Hauts de Seine, Amiens, Brest, le Havre, Reims, Le Mans, Mulhouse, etc... Une fraude pserait sur le rsultat des lections nationales.

L'urne transparente et le dpouillement public sont remplacs par un ordinateur dont le rsultat est invrifiable et dont on ne peut rien savoir pour cause de secret industriel.

Vous n'tes pas au courant ? C'est normal, jusqu' peu, il n'y avait aucune information sur ce sujet, aucun dbat...

Une dmonstration frappante (i-Tl, 6 min): http://ordinateurs-de-vote.org/dn#itele

Merci de faire passer l'info aux amis, famille, voisins, etc...

plus que 2 semaines de libert et de "bonheur" !

plus que 2 semaines de libert et de "bonheur"

A diffuser le plus largement possible

Je vous transmets un texte qui vient d'tre "empch de publication avant, les lections" concernant le bilan de Sarkozy. Diffusez largement, ce livre sur le bilan de Sarkozy. Ce livre vient d'tre censur par l'diteur MICHALON qui a subi des pressions. Il doit donc tre diffus par internet, pas encore sous total contrle. Ce qui se passe est dsormais gravissime. Merci de faire passer ce document tous vos bons contacts, lire, diffuser.

 Serge Portelli est membre du syndicat de la magistrature.

Son livre "Ruptures", dressant le bilan de Sarkozy au ministre de l'intrieur, devait tre publi par Michalon... qui vient mystrieusement d'y renoncer au dernier moment, empchant toute publication chez un autre diteur avant les lections.

Afin que personne ne puisse dire "On ne savait pas...", merci de diffuser largement autour de vous, ce fichier (en pice jointe). Il n'est pas trop tard ..Il n'est jamais trop tard.

<!if !supportEmptyParas> <!endif>site concernant l'auteur : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serge_Portelli

+ de bonnes nouvelles sur les liberts du net du journal le Monde. + un article de Marianne.

pour playboys et pantoufles, on verra plus tard.


Week-end salsa le 4,5 et 7 mai 2007 sur la cte Landaise

Big Big Week-end en perspective sur la cte Landaise,on fait le pont ? 3 Soires SALSA le 4,5 et 7 Mai 2007,il va faire chaud sur les pistes!

-Vendredi 4 Mai Soire Salsa au BLUE CAFE BlUE CAFE PLACE DES LANDAIS 40150 HOSSEGOR DjYan aux platines partir de 22h30 (Soire Gratuite).

-Samedi 5 Mai Soire salsa au Player's Lounge Player's Lounge (85 av de Lattre de Tassigny "Cap club hotel" ct du cers au bord de la mer Capbreton). salsa Porto,Timba,bachata,merengue, DjYan aux platines partir de 22h30 (Soire Gratuite).

-Lundi 7 Mai Soire SALSA la VAGUE Au Vieux Boucau Djyan aux platines partir de 22h30 La Vague rouvre pour la quatrime saison avec ses cocktails de fruits frais, son punch longuement macr, sa carte dlicieuse et varie, et surtout les rythmes endiabls de la salsa cubaine, portoricaine, les bachata, merengue et autres musiques caribennes ! Aprs vous tre entran tous lhiver venez pratiquer votre danse prfre dans un cadre trs exotique! Contact : Claire

J'ai ador cette vido Merci Jane pour la vido http://video.google.fr/videoplay?docid=-7996203659600328130

Deldongo sur radio Latina (Paris)

Demain dimanche 29 avril 2007 sur Radio Latina 99.0 FM 14h30 en live dans " l'Officiel de la Salsa "

Deldongo presente son clip video " la Timbale" .......

avec son Choriste-Manager Jean Paul Tamayo............

vos ecoutes..............



El Barrio Libre

- 180 Boulevard de l'Europe Centre Commercial

et Loisirs Quartier Libre 64230 Lescar Tel : - Fax :

oui. alors le barrio passe aux couleurs latino le jeudi 100% .

Le vendredi et samedi 50:50, mais toujours les zik chaudes


Le PORTAIL ROCK SALSA JAZZ du SUD OUEST Mail : rock-salsa-jazz-sudouest@ouvaton.org


Copi y Nativos en concierto !

                           19 de mayo

Nativo y Copi juntos por primera vez! Desde Zaragoza, el tecladista de Heroes del silencio y Enrique Bunbury se junta a Nativo para tocar por primera vez en el oeste! Set de Nativo presentando temas nuevos, Copi y Algunas sorpresas de Heroes........

                        SANTANA BAR

Pte Peron (ex Gaona) 414, RAMOS MEJIA 21:30 Hs.

Ant. En locuras de Once y Moron, La Fusa de Ramos Mejia



BIG GUNS SHOOT UP THE TOWN! ! ! ! ! DEAL'S GONE BAD & DUB IS A WEAPON ! THE BIG GUNS are on JUMP UP! If you haven't picked up DEAL'S GONE BAD "The Ramblers", you're about to get run out of town! In the nine years that have passed since Deal's Gone Bad released their debut, the group have undergone dizzying alterations, yet every change has brought the band a little closer to perfection, helping over time to solidify the group's grand vision, and sharpening their musical skills, songwriting and arrangements. With 'The Ramblers" they've crafted a flawless album, so much so, it's difficult to even know where to begin. The production is superb; clean, but not slick, capturing and distinguishing every note, whilst creating a fleshy, warm sound. The arrangements are inspired - forget the many stellar solos and grand bass lines, those automatically garner attention, it's the small musical passages - the three bars of organ swagger, the little drum fill, the guitar flourishes - that demand notice by their very understatement. Be it the plaintive "One More Day", the funky "Take Time", the reggae-soul of "Good Old Days", the rootsy "The Cost", the exuberantly infectious ska of "You Get the Keys", or the John Crow styled "Rough and Ready", every track within is a stand-out. Finally, there's Todd Hembrook - a stunning singer, and his forceful Staxish vocals give the band brand new soul power, a strength that better balances DGB's long term predilection for the genre. See-sawing US soul against Jamaican ska/reggae, the band twine the two together in ways even the island originators couldn't. It may be sacrilege to suggest, but at this point DGB may not just equal, but at times better the Jamaican legends. At the very least they've unleashed an album that favorably compares with any from back in the day, and modern times to boot - ALL MUSIC GUIDE Review by Jo Anne Greene. LP VINYL will be released in late MAY, limited edition to 500 hand numbered copies! DUB IS A WEAPON "Armed & Dangerous" is the newest VINYL ONLY project on JUMP UP - amazing rootsy dub music from ex - STUBBORN ALL STARS and current ANTIBALAS /EASY STAR ALL STARS member DAVE HAHN with legendary Jamaican percussionist Larry McDonald. After years of touring the states, DUB IS A WEAPON got the nod from LEE SCRATCH PERRY to be his new backing band, leading to a crucial West Coast tour and a packed house at SXSW. Limited to 1000 copies! Both available now via JUMPUPRECORDS.COM or though AMAZON.com!

DR RING DING "BACK AND FORTH" CD out NOW! ! ! ! Click to buy for $7.99

DR RING DING's began his professional career in 1987 playing trombone with EL BOSSO & DIE PING PONGS, one of Germany's most famous ska bands. His experience in EL BOSSO lead to his life long love for Jamaican music. By early 1993 he had formed his very own band, DR RING DING & THE SENIOR ALL STARS, and over the next ten years they would release five albums, numerous singles, and two albums backing legendary Jamaican vocalists DOREEN SHAFER and LORD TANANMO. American releases on MOON SKA and JUMP UP helped solidify his fan base in the United States, and soon DR RING DING was enjoying a worldwide audience for his snappy vocal style and tremendous musicianship. DR RING DING has also made spectacular contributions to dancehall single selections for international producers- "DOCTOR'S DARLING" (Germaica Records) went top 20 of the German Black Music Charts at the end of 2002, VOM VATER (Germaica Records) appeared on numerous Reggae compilations, and he has shared dancehall singles with SIZZLA, CAPLETON, and TANYA STEPHENS. DR RING DING is always creating new music, which is why this new album BACK AND FORTH was so important. Not only does it look back at some of the finer moments in his career, but it also exposes us to many new songs from his forthcoming projects...plus unearthing rarities and vinyl only singles in one nice package. This is not a "best of" per se - this is a "personal selection" hand picked by DR RING DING himself. The most die-hard DR RING DING fan needs to own this not only for the rare and unreleased tracks, but for the true pleasure of the album's sequence and diversity. Reggae, Ska, Dancehall, Calypso, and even some hip hop appear on BACK AND FORTH. KING DJANGO and The SLACKERS Vic Ruggiero guest.


SKINHEAD LEGEND! ROY ELLIS aka MR SYMARIP! ! ! ! Click to buy for $7.99 !

MR SYMARIP is ROY ELLIS - the legendary voice behind the original skinhead reggae band SYMARIP! This brand new album has 14 trx classic Jamaican ska and reggae backed by an all star European band! Nothing watered down here - pure skinhead delight! These songs could have easilly been penned during the late 60's when the skinhead movement was in full swing. Reggae was the driving beat taking Britian by storm, and a then little known group called SYMARIP recorded the first skinhead anthem: "SKINHEAD MOONSTOMP". Within weeks, the record was selling huge quantities all across Britian, but failed to chart due to distribution limitations. A decade later the 2-Tone ska revival gave the skinhead movement a new lease on life, and The Specials resurrected the song on their live "Too Much Too Young" EP, eventually leading TROJAN RECORDS to re-release the original, this time reaching #54 in the British charts. SYMARIP's "SKINHEAD MOONSTOMP" full length has achieved legendary status over the past 35+ years, selling a staggering 7 million copies for Trojan, plus generating countless more classics like "Skinhead Girl", "Must Catch A Train", "Stay With Him" and their famous Nancy Sinatra cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walking." Other incarnations of the band (The Bees, The Pyramids, Seven Letters) did not generate as much success as SYMARIP, yet the troop continued to perform until the mid 80's, until the departure of Roy Ellis, who moved to Switzerland to pursue a career in Soul / Gospel music. It was there that a group of long time fans/musicians re- connected with Roy and convinced him to record again in the early Jamaican skinhead style. MR SYMARIP IS BACK! GET YOUR BOOTS and BRACES TOGETHER AND STOMP YOUR FEET!!!!


As always, you can save some $$ by ordering direct from our website at www.JUMPUPRECORDS.com ! We accept paypal - and we carry hundreds upon hundreds more titles that we don't offer on Amazon! Each of our 4 new releases are $10 which including postage direct from our site! Just paypal to chuckw@jumpuprecords.com and tell us what to send you! Simple! We also have have podcasts of our weekly radio show at JUMPUPRECORDS.com ! Speaking of radio, we just sent promos of our latest 3 releases to 250+ college radio stations - so request our stuff! Look out for more great releases in 2007! Thanks and keep the faith! Chuck Wren, JUMP UP


CONTACT / PAYPAL ACCT: chuckw@jumpuprecords.com Promo Requests: mediapromo@jumpuprecords.com http://www.jumpuprecords.com



El Son Latino, salut les salseros.


Rendez vous des salseros dimanche 6 mai 2007 au TERRA BRASILIS (bassin a flot) avec le groupe de son cubano RAICES SONERAS.

De 18h a 18h45 Initiation a la salsa et cumbia, avec Luis A. Puertha M. Cali Colombia. 19h a 19h45 Salsa Intermediaire avec Noel Borro de Cuba et Ernesto de Montpellier. 20h30 Concert du groupe RAICES SONERAS et las Bombas Latinas.

Soiree son, cumbia, merengue, bachata et salsa caliente assuree. Venez nombreux a partir de 17h au TERRA BRASILIS, (enface de la peniche la dame de changai).

entree 8 euros avec un cocktail offert. Y que viva la SALSA. Luis.