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jeudi 31 mai 2007

La Milonga de Bibiana




SAMEDI : 7, 21 et 28 JUILLET

SAMEDI : 4, 11 et 18 AOUT


De 22H30 Ã 2H00


Bibiana Guilhamet & Antonio Llamas

Casino Sokoburu

121, boulevard de la mer - HENDAYE

Entrée 10 € (avec consommation)










Sur rendez-vous


06 63 19 32 32 (Bibiana) • 06 62 83 87 32 (Antonio)



www.harmoniatango64.com <http://www.harmoniatango64.com/>




Sábado 2 de Junio de 2007

A partir de las 18:00 horás actucaciones de:

113 (Francia)













¿Como llegar?:

Renfe: Linea C8A para de EL ESCORIAL

Autobuses desde Moncloa: Linea 661

En Coche: Autovía A6, Salida 48 (EL ESCORIAL / GUADARRAMA)




113 (Francia)

Los Parisinos 113 son uno de los estandartes del Hip Hop francés y hoy por hoy son uno de los grupos mas consagrados de la escena urbana francesa. El grupo lo formaron en el año 1996 Rim K, Mokobe y A.P, en 1998 sacaron su primer Ep "Ni barreaux, ni barrieres, ni frontieres" en el que se incluyo lo que fuera su primer Hit "Truc De Fou", en el año 1999 vio la luz su primer LP "Princes de la ville", cuyo single fue "Tonton du beld", que cuenta la historia de la poblacion árabe que cada verano retorna en largo y duro viaje en coche por toda europa hacia su pais de origen (Marruecos) y con el que consiguieron explotar en ventas y ganar varios premios de la musica en Francia. Y desde entonces 113 ha sabido mantenerse en lo alto de la música francesa; en el año 2002 vio la luz su segundo larga duración "113 fout la merde", con el que de nuevo lograron unas ventas altísimas y su por ahora último trabajo como grupo es "113 Degrees" que se editó en el año 2005. Además 113 son uno de los pilares básicos de la Mafia K1 Fri (Mafia africana), un amplio colectivo de artistas con el que han editado varios trabajos, y que son un referente de las comunidades árabes y africanas francesas, entre otros artistas dentro de Mafia K1Fri están el mítico Kerry James, Rhoff, Many Key o Dj Medhi, todos artistas muy respetados dentro de la escena francesa de Hip Hop. 113 en concierto son una fiesta asegurada y sin duda no defraudará a ningún buen amante de la música, derrochan energia y carisma sobre el escenario y saben como lograr que el público se sienta como en casa. No te los puedes perder.

Más info en: www.113online.com


Afu-Ra es un artista nortemaricano mas que conocido en los escenarios de España, tiene dos discos a la venta "Body of the life force" y "Life Force Radio" y actualmente esta ultimando lo que será su tercer larga duración "state of the arts", a sus espaldas mas de 250.000 copias vendidas y giras que lo han llevado por todo el mundo. Forma parte de la prestigiosa Fundacion Gangstar y ha trabajado con artistas como Jeru The Damaja, Wu Tang Clan, Dj Premier o Big Daddy Kane. Es un Mc muy versatil y bien completo y sin duda el directo es uno de sus puntos mas fuertes. No quieras que te lo cuenten y contagiate por la contundencia de su actuación en el festival.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/afuramusic


Son uno de los duos mas prolificos, inquietos y comprometidos del Hip Hop de España, este año 2007 ha visto la luz su segundo larga duración "Nuestro Mundo" cuyo proceso creativo se llevó entre Madrid, Barcelona, Puerto Rico y New York y al que precedieron los trabajos "Lo llevo dentro" (2003), "Format C:" (2003), "Format C: Edicion especial" (2005), "El Bonus Cd" (2005) y "La Mixtape: Version no autorizada" (2005). Por méritos propios este duo fraternal es uno de los grupos mas internacionales de nuestro panorama urbano, han trabajado con artistas de Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos, Francia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico ó El Salvador entre otros lugares y su sonido va desde el sonido más hardcore al más sentimental pasando por el más club y bailable, sin duda algo que no puedes dejar de ver en directo, son de esos grupos que no dejan a uno indiferente sobre un escenario.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/2hermanos


Es uno de los Mc´s mas inquietos de la sierrra Madrileña, formó parte del grupo K.O., con el que realizó varias maquetas. Su carrera en solitario comenzó tras un viaje en el que recorrió gran parte de sudamérica y de ahi vio la luz su primer Lp "Proyecto sudamérica" (Soulgap 2006), en el que Rapsoda se rodeo de los principales grupos de Hip Hop de los paises que visitó. Actualmente se encuentra ultimando lo que será su nuevo album, previsto para finales de este año y nos sorprenderá con su energia sobre las tablas en el festival.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/Rapsoda


Desde Málaga Keyo ha sabido como labrarse su hueco de honor dentro del panorama nacional de Hip Hop, editó su primer maxi con Revelde Discos "Di quien mueve" en el año 2001 al que siguío su primer Lp en el año 2003 "Fuego abierto" que se edito con Bobby Lo Records y en estos últimos meses ha salido su segundo Lp "Revival 2007" de la mano de Working Underground Records y podremos ver en la tarima la presentacion de dicho trabajo, que no tiene desperdicio alguno.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/keyorap


Son un duo Cartagenero formado por el respetado y reconocido productor, compositor y artista de R&B, Phone y su compañero de fatigas Pose. En el año 2006 editaría su primer Lp como dúo "Reflexiones", que obtuvo muy buena critica por parte de los medios y publico y los afianzó como una de las promesas del panorama nacional de Hip Hop. El 7 de Julio saldrá su nuevo trabajo, un maxisingle de 3 temas que será distribuido de manera gratuita y que servirá como anticipo de su proximo Lp previsto para finales de este 2007. Presentarán en Exclusiva en el festival su nuevo maxi, un mes antes de que esté en la calle, ¡No seas el último en escucharlo!.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/posekcf y en www.myspace.com/phoneprods


Es uno de los Mc´s mas fuertes del páis a la hora de improvisar y asi lo ha demostrado en su participación en varios campeonetos de improvisación nacionales, pero su talento no queda ahí, sino que tanbien ejerce como actor, y en lo musical, compone la música y escribe las letras de practicamente todas sus canciones y sabe siempre darle ese toque de personalidad que hace que cuando escuches uno de sus temas sepas quién anda detras de todo. Tiene editados un Maxisingle "Fuera de contexto" (2005) y recientemente ha salido ala venta su primer Lp "Phyxius" (2007), que estará presentando en el festival.

Más info en: www.jpelirrojo.com


Artista de La Sierra Madrileña, fue uno de los fundadores desde Collado Mediano del grupo PMH, y actualmente se encuentra trabajando en solitario y es habitualmente el acompañante en directo de DOSHERMANOS, acaba de terminar su nuevo trabajo "De mi para vosotros" y lo presentará de forma oficial en el festival.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/eupmc


Otros dos artistas de la sierra Madrileña, Metal pesado y Siervo, además de ser hermanos, son dos de los componentes de lo que fuera el grupo hoy por hoy ya separado, Apolo Crew, que han representado el Hip Hop en Collado Villalba desde los años 90, tienen varias maquetas a sus espaldas como grupo y como solistas y en el festival presentaran su ultimo trabajo "Para que no se pierda".

Más info en: www.myspace.com/metalpesadoapolo


"Pienso en voz alta" es el titulo de la maqueta que Abáco (otro artista de la sierra madrileña) termino el pasado año 2006 y que presentará en el festival. Desde Cercedilla Ábaco representa el Hip Hop elegante y con clase y ha sabido siempre destacar por su originalidad a la hora de escribir y por saber dar siempre una vuelta de tuerca mas a las palabras que la mayoria de los mortales. Sin duda es un Mc de altura y no es solo cuestión de tamaños.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/abacorap


El Valenciano Dj Kanzer afincado en Madrid es DJ residente en varios locales de Madrid de música Hip Hop y por méritos propios se ha hecho su hueco de honor en el panorama de los DJ´s nacionales más destacados, podremos ver, oir y disfrutar de una de sus sesiones en el festival y está asegurado el espéctaculo y la buena música.

Más info en: www.myspace.com/eldjkanzer

Para mas información o necesidades promocionales: info@estaochungo.es


RootsWorld Bulletin #397

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RootsWorld is only published with the regular voluntary support of you, our reader. Please contribute to RootsWorld today at: http://www.rootsworld.com/contribute.html I can't do it without you.


Mireille Ben Ensemble Miniatures FolkClub Ethnosuoni (www.folkclubethnosuoni.com)

Mireille Ben is a singer of French origin based in Italy. With her Italian band, she explores the folk heritage of different parts of France and the Francophonie on this new recording.

From the Vendee to La Louisiane, from Auvergne

to Bretagne, the songs on Miniatures are of ancient origin, and found in some form wherever French is spoken and sung. Old songs, but in a new style. The treatment on this CD owes something to jazz, particularly the drumming of Gianbattista Piantoni and Oliviero Bielli's sometimes growling guitar. Alfredo Savoldelli adds electric bass to the mix.

On the other hand, the bagpipes (cornemuse), a variety originating in central France, played by Gabriele Coltri, lend an air of folk authenticity, as do Ben's smoky voice and Claudia Klinzing's musical saw and violin.

These songs - 300, 400, perhaps even 500 years old - have bounced around the old world and the new, and have been heard, like most folksongs, in a variety of shapes, with different verses, different choruses. Here and there I hear something that has come across the ocean and has entered the French Canadian tradition, recognizable despite a different title and slightly different lyric fragments; in other words, true folksongs.

These are fine songs that have stood the test of time, and well presented, with the exception of one or two on which the vocal delivery seems rushed. On "Les douze mois de l'année" Peo Mazza takes the drum kit a little too deep into an energetic jazz shuffle that takes the focus off the song itself.

There is some variety: "Dedans Lullion" is performed simply with guitar and voice, and the guitar is played in a Cajun style fitting for its Louisianan origins. (Another version of this song - sometimes called "Aux Illinois " and several others on this CD, can be found on a classic French Canadian prog-rock album by the group Garolou, circa 1978.)

Another notable track is "L'oiseau mis en cage-Par un beau jour-Anniversaire," a medley that begins with the cornemuse and strings in a baroque style duet, then swings into a waltz with the acoustic guitar providing the rhythm. The story is this: a soldier returns form the war with stories of his conquests and his intended sends him back to drink "a la santé de nos maitresses."

War, a stark reality of life in the centuries these songs come from, figures in a few other songs as well. "Le conseil de guerre" is about a soldier condemned to death who forgives his executioners. And "C'est sur le pont de Lyon" is from the point of view of a woman who wants the king to send her husband back from the front.

Although ten of the songs feature Ben's vocals, the exception is "Mazurka de Lanternaire," the one instrumental track, a real beauty where the cornemuse takes center stage. The heritage of France is in good hands on this sometimes quirky, always surprising and entertaining CD. - David Cox

Listen to "C'est sur le pont de Lyon" http://www.rootsworld.com/audio/ben-miniatures.html

The artist's web site: www.mireillebenensemble.com

CD available from cdRoots http://www.cdroots.com/fce-ben06.html

Félix Baloy & The Afro-Cuban All Stars Live in the UK, Alive in Cuba (DVD) Tumi (www.tumimusic.com)

Sonero Félix Baloy needs no introduction for anyone who follows Cuban music, but this DVD (directed by Charles Wood) offers an informed if at times romanticized examination of the life of one of the island's greatest living singers, and the society in which his musical legacy has thrived. Like many veteran Cuban artists, Baloy pursued a variety of vocations, working as a shoemaker, grocer and railway laborer by day, while singing at night. Against a Havana backdrop, the video captures Baloy's warmth, humour, patience, generosity and single-minded dedication to his music and to Afro-Cuban religion. He describes hanging out as a young boy at the Havana club where Beny Moré held court, peering through the window to see and hear his idol. His wife Lázara makes clear that she controls the household, however, describing her husband as so completely wrapped up in his activities that he loses the house keys and cannot keep track of time, living purely in the moment. She also confronts him, thumbing through a stack of photographs with a variety of younger women on his arm; he good-naturedly replies that "they're just friends" he cannot avoid meeting as a celebrity.

The documentary follows Baloy as he visits his spiritual advisor, hosts a party in his old neighborhood, practices and performs, while reminiscing at length about his life. Friends and fellow musicians offer their own take on Baloy, interspersed with ample footage from a UK tour (in Brighton and Hyde Park) and local performances in Havana. Also featured is Buena Vista Social Club producer-singer-tresero-guitarist Juan de Marcos González, who was the tour's musical director. Backing Baloy on eleven concert-length tracks is a host of superb musicians, among them singer Fernando Ferrer Rodríguez (a powerful soloist in his own right), David Alfaro and Luis Lang Morejón (piano), Luis Alemañy and Julio Padrón (trumpets), Juan Carlos Marin and Antonio Leal (trombones); José Espinosa Martínez (timbales), Rolando Niño Mentira (congas), and Jorge Reyes Hernández (upright bass). A welcome innovation for international audiences is the inclusion of two discs (in PAL and NTSC formats), with subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German and Japanese. This is an endearing portrait of Baloy's prodigious talent, his humanity and his world. - Michael Stone

DVD available from Amazon http://astore.amazon.com/rootsworldmagazi/

Ojos de Brujo Techarí Six Degrees

Benjamin Escoriza Alevanta Riverboat (www.worldmusic.net)

Berrogüetto 10.0 Self released (www.berroguetto.com)

Spain has had a badly spotted history of mistreating "outsiders," but the country's music is heavily influenced by these same groups. Spain's signature music, flamenco, sprang from persecuted Gypsy, Jewish and Moorish communities. Three recent releases demonstrate the beauty created by this once-feared diversity.

Since the 1970s, when Paco de Lucia began flamenco's fusion with jazz and rock, one wing of the genre has broken free of its traditional moorings.

After a spectacular U.S. debut in 2002, the Barcelona-based collective Ojos de Brujo returns with Techarí, which again pulls in a variety of styles ­ most obviously hiphop and flamenco. But like all the bands I'm writing about today, Ojos de Brujo is not easily pigeonholed.

The large group initially got together as friends who wanted to jam, all lovers of flamenco who weren't interested in playing flamenco. The group developed a six-member core, while other players come and go.

Their U.S. debut, Bari, leapt from the speakers and their multimedia live shows proved they were one of the most creative, compelling bands in the world. Techarí lacks some of the excitement of Bari, but it is still a vibrant brew. This time around, the group is joined by guest artists, including flamenco guitarist Pepe Habichuela and Asian Underground leader Nitin Sawhney, but the draw here is still the group's unique sound. Heavily percussive, the band uses palmas or handclaps, the South American box-like drum called the cajon, the Indian dhol drum and handfuls of turntable scratching.

Singer-songwriter Marina "La Canillas" is the charismatic frontperson, but the band's members share spotlight time and always work together to build a huge head of steam behind her.

But the genius of Ojos is its seamless amalgam; their music is neither fish nor fowl, it's both and more. Played with joy and controlled abandon, the group's songs are world music at its barrier-breaking best.

The group Radio Tarifa did not combine flamenco with other genres as much as deconstructing the music and reexploring its multi-ethnic roots. The group named itself for the southern city of Tarifa where a mythical radio station would pick up sounds from North Africa as well as Spain. Now, the group's singer, Benjamin Escoriza has released a solo album.

On Alevanta, Escoriza applies his flamenco-style vocals to music that takes a similarly no-holds-barred approach as Tarifa. Mostly acoustic, the songs are a thick stew of diverse sounds and propulsive rhythms.

Escoriza's songs move along like pop, but each tune has its own unique combination of instruments, making for a fascinating series of textures. His rootsy, intimate style recalls some of the retro music coming out of Cuba in recent years.

While flamenco was born in Andalucia in southern Spain, the northwestern province of Galicia has a very different musical heritage, with a strong Celtic influence. The seven-member group Berrogüetto has similarly taken traditional music as source material, but the sound is vastly different than fiery flamenco.

Berrogüetto takes old Galician sounds and adroitly walks the line between art music and folk. On 10.0, their fourth album over 10 years, the songs ­ totally acoustic on this album ­ have the meticulous calculations of a classical piece, but they retain an earthiness that firmly roots them in folk. Occasionally, the music is reminiscent of Irish instrumental music, but the group has more in common with the handful of top-flight bands in the world that are creating "folk music of the future" by contemporizing ancient tunes and instruments.

The group has never performed in the United States, but has garnered glowing reviews and awards throughout Europe. Like all of these sui generis performers, they are worth seeking out. - Marty Lipp

Listen to Berrogüetto http://www.rootsworld.com/audio/berro07.html

CDs are available from cdRoots http://www.cdroots.com/


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Newsletter 1 - Juin 07 - musicargentina.com

Newsletter 1 - Juin 07 - musicargentina.com

Musique, Art et Culture d'Argentine

Electrique… Electronique…. Electrotango….. Elémentaire ???

… e pur si muove ! (… et elle tourne)

Nous ne brûlerons pas ceux qui veulent innover et qui s’installent dans une approche autre que le traditionnel. Quand même !

Dans ce courant du «tango-electro » il y a le courage des uns, le talent des autres, le culot parfois et, il faut aussi le dire,l’opportunisme de certains, ce qui semble être, malheureusement, inévitable.  Néanmoins sans la donne de l’innovation tout s’arrête et nous nous devons d'être présents dans cet espace novateur, là où les acteurs de l’electrotango dialoguent avec la mémoire du tango. Nous avons choisi de productions ‘electrotango’, en tenant compte de certains critères dont le respect de l’héritage tango, la présence du fait musical, une esthétique qui puisse permettre une bonne lecture de cette nouvelle tendance. Nous espérons que ces productions vous satisferont, et, bien entendu ! nous attendons vos réflexions et vos suggestions.

Sélection Cd's Electro-tango

Otros Aires 2


         18 € 
Bailongo – Nuevos Aires


16 €

Bajo Fondo Tango Club – Remixed


      18 €



    18 €

Brazil Tango http://www.musicargentina.com/fr/cd-electro-tango/brazil-tango.html

 16 €

Electrocutango - Felino


 20 €

Narcotango 2


 18 €


Vous pouvez trouver des produits musicargentina chez Musicalame - 16 Rue Pizay, 69001 Lyon Téléphone :0478290134 / Près de l'Hôtel de Ville

NOUVEAUTE LIVRE : Carlos Gardel – Tango à l’infini De Rafael Flores Montenegro http://www.musicargentina.com/fr/livres/carlos-gardel-tango-a-l-infini-cd.html

 23 €

Une perle d’Adriana Varela chante Cadicamo : Tangos de lengue


 16 €

Communiquez, Informez, Faites vous découvrir Vos annonces en ligne sur www.musicargentina.com Site Internet leader dédié à la culture d’Argentine et au Tango

En quelques minutes et à partir de 4 euros par mois. Un service efficace, simple, immédiat.

Une audience ciblée : + de 70.000 visiteurs/mois + de 450.000 pages vues/mois (Source Webalizer Octobre 2006)

Site trilingue français / anglais / espagnol.

Pour passer dès maintenant votre annonce, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous : http://www.musicargentina.com /site/pa.php

soirée salsa sur la côte BASQUE !


Merci à toutes et tous pour votre jovialité de la dernière soirée au Texan samedi. Certains ne sont pas encore prêts à laisser leurs corps s'exprimer sur la piste avec ou sans cavalier(e) mais nous allons y arriver progressivement !

Restez en appétit, prochain épisode des "fiestas latinas" de votre G.O. salsa très très vite... ...avec toujours le même objectif, le même plaisir de se bouger, se laisser porter par les rythmes librement. Et pour vous motiver, des tempêtes de cadeaux "HAVANA" vous attendent pour la prochaine étape :

samedi 9 juin- La TupK'Sav - cours + soirée à St Jean de Luz (à 2 pas de la sortie St Jean de Luz Nord - A63) 2e HAVANA NOCHE et ses cadeaux "parmilliers" avec un cours suivi d'une soirée. Keneth (from Bordeaux- ça, ça fait bien, ça fait new york) et Laetitia vous initieront ou vous perfectionneront à la salsa portoricaine de 22h15 à 23h15 - tarif = 5 euros

INSCRIPTIONS le + tôt possible de préférence par couple au ou mi.salsa@voila.fr - merci ouverture des portes dès 23h15 jusqu'à 5h du matin entrée avec conso = 10euros - grande terrasse la TupK'Sav salsathèque - RN10 - entre St jean de Luz et Guéthary - plans joints

AVERTISSEMENT : On est bien d'accord... SOIREE "for happy people ONLY !" Pas le moral ?...les fiestas latinas.... les meilleures thérapies que tu verras, que tout ira bien !** le 9 juin, c'est déjà noël sous les tropiques !

¡ Gózate de la vida, de tus noches, de tus fiestas, de tu familia … ....de cada instante que esta te ofrece ! L'Esprit G.O. Salsa

news salsa crazy, Californie


Since it's beginning in 2001 our celebration of El Dia de San Juan, Puerto Rico and fundraiser aka: Hawaii SALSATHON has been recieved with open hearts and tons of Aloha!

2007 marks our 7th Annual Dia de San Juan, Puerto Rican Cultural & Salsa Festival aka: SALSATHON 2007! Salsathon was created as a means to help keep the Hispanic Center of Hawaii's doors open to continue to serve Hispanics in Hawaii. We've managed to do just that. Every little bit helps. This year we are proud and honored to have as our associate Mr. Albert Torres who has graciously agreed to be one of our guest emcees.

We sincerely hope that you will consider joining us this year as we celebrate our love for our heritage, our brothers and sisters around the world and of course our love of SALSA, while helping to generate funds for a worthwhile organization.

LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Son Caribe Band, HI Members of Orq. La Verdad, CA Wally Rita y Los Kauaianos, Kauai, HI Adela Chu y Espirtu Libre 2007 Hawaii Latino Idol


CONFIRMED DANCE PERFORMANCES Aloha Rumberos / Keiki Rumberos, HI Son D' Hawaii, HI Christina & Mike, L.A. Obatala Dancers, UT Dance Mix, HI Salsa 101, HI De La Isla Flamenco, HI Isla Ritmo, Kona Simona & Mike, OR Judah & Sunshine, HI Paradise Dance Company, HI Las Munecas, HI Phayz, CA HoT Salsa Dance Co., HI Hawaii Salsa Kids, HI

CONFIRMED DJ's Albert Torres, MC/Judge Nancy Ortiz, / MC Latin Lady Dj Margarita! /MC Dj Rodney, HI / MC Dj Michelle, Japan Dj Alberto, HI Dj Tiger, Kona Dj Ever, HI Dj Jose, HI Dj Mano Lopez, KTUH Radio - HI Dj Don Armando, NYC

McCOY PAVILION / ALA MOANA BEACH PARK HONOLULU, HAWAII FRI / SAT / SUN JUNE 15-17, 2007 FRI - Afternoon 4-9pm -$8 All Ages SAT / SUN 11AM - 7PM / $10 per day Adv. - $15 at Door 12 & Under FREE / 60 +, & Active Military $8 per day, w/ID

Pre-Salsathon Fun Filled Salsa Events! Tuesday June 12th, 2007 Zanzabar Nightclub - 2255 Kuhio Ave / Waikiki Trade Center / Waikiki 8pm - 3am / 18+ Cover $10

Wednesday June 13th, 2007 Panama Hatties's - Kam Hwy / Aiea / Live Salsa Sounds of Son Caribe / 9pm - 12am / 18+ Cover $5

Thursday June 14th, 2007 - Salsathon "Kick-Off" Party Rumours - "Salsa After Hours" Ala Moana Hotel, 410 Atkinson Dr, Salsa Dance Showcase, Guest Dj's, Birthday Bash for "Albert Torres" / CD Release Orq. La Verdad /Live Music w/ Son Caribe / 5:00pm - 1:30am / 21+ Cover $10

Friday June 15th, 2007 1st Night of Competion / Beginners Workshop 5-6pm / Salsa Dancing with Da'Divas McCoy Pavilion - Time: 4-9PM/ / Cover $8 All Ages

Saturday June 16th, 2007 - SALSATHON McCoy Pavilion - Ala Moana Beach Park / 11am - 7pm Cover $10 Avd / $15 @ Door Evening Venue - UPRAH Scholarship Dance 1249 N. School St. $10 Adv / $12 Door / 7p - 12a

Sunday June 18th, 2007 - SALSATHON McCoy Pavilion - Ala Moana Beach Park / 11am - 7pm Cover $10 Adv / $15 @ Door Evening Venue - Esprit Lounge w/ Son Caribre / Sheraton Waikiki / 8:30p - 12am / Farewell / Aloha Party / 21+ Cover $5

This will be an amazing even that you don't want to miss!

For More Information Call (808) 285-0072 or (808) 941-5216 Hispanic Center of Hawaii

Check out the Hawaii Salsathon Online!


'STREET BEATS' FUNDRAISER TO CELEBRATE AND SUPPORT ST. BONIFACE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER'S GUBBIO PROJECT, JUNE 16 - 17 Benefit for St. Boniface's Homeless Shelter to Include Multimedia Dance and Spoken Word Performances, Dance Lessons, Reception and Tours.

SAN FRANCISCO - The St. Boniface Neighborhood Center will make its star turn at "Street Beats," a very special fundraising event that will celebrate and support the Gubbio Project - St. Boniface's homeless shelter - in two performances: Saturday, June 16 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, June 17 at 3 p.m., at the St. Boniface Church Theater in San Francisco.

"Street Beats" will showcase a multitude of talents - dance, spoken word, music, art and other disciplines - from the diverse array of Bay Area performance artists. Additionally, "Street Beats" will feature a light-hearted dance lesson, reception and tours of facilities.

For Tickets, See Below...

About the Gubbio Project: Since April 2004, St. Boniface Neighborhood Center has operated the Gubbio Project, providing a place to sleep as well as outreach and support to homeless people at St. Boniface Church in San Francisco's Tenderloin district. Serving 200 - 300 people each day, the Gubbio Project is a unique point of entry into the system of care for people who are homeless. Many clients have severe disabilities, are seniors or undocumented immigrants; and are unable to access or navigate the shelter system due to these issues.

Gubbio Project staff members are available throughout the day, acting simultaneously as safety monitors and hospitality and outreach workers. After building a relationship of trust with guests who are not engaged in the system of care, the Gubbio Project staff regularly refers people to detoxification and rehabilitation programs, social workers, job training programs, mental health treatment centers and housing opportunities.

"Street Beats" will feature an array of vibrant performances by celebrated artists including:

Valentina: Second-place winner on PBS' "America's Ballroom Challenge; 2001 Rising Star Smooth Champion and Couple of the Year, Soloist, St. Petersburg Modern Ballet Company, Featured Dancer in "Dance with Me."

Youth Speaks: Founded in 1996 in San Francisco, Youth Speaks is the nation's leading nonprofit presenter of Spoken Word performance, education, and youth development programs.

Alison Hurwitz: choreographer, dancer, teacher; director emeritus of Harmony Project Dance Company, featured instructor in DanceCrazy's instructional DVDs. Jesus Ortiz: choreographer, dancer, teacher; Principal Dancer in Azucar Dance Company; co-teacher of same-sex Salsa program at Metronome Ballroom. Alise Halbert: choreographer and Co-Founder of DancEvents, LLC; winner of the 2006 Ultimate Dancesport Competition. Ted Ross: choreographer and dance instructor; winner of the 2006 Ultimate Dancesport Competition. Christiane Crawford: Hip-hop artist, principal Dancer in Culture Shock, director of Rare Form Dance Company, choreographed for SF Hip Hop Festival.

Tickets and Information: Admission to the "Street Beats" $25 for each performance, and includes a dance lesson, reception and tours of the facility and St. Boniface Church.

Please Print out and Keep your Receipt.

Regular Admission for Saturday 06/16: $25

Regular Admission for Sunday 06/17: $25

Regular Admission for Both Days: $50

VIP PASS for $100

$25 each, and includes a dance lesson, reception and tours of the facility and St. Boniface Church. VIP tickets are $100 each, includes the Saturday Night VIP cocktail reception (starts at 7pm) with local dignitaries, performers and supporters of the Gubbio Project, and full admission

Saturday, June 16 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, June 17 at 3 p.m.

St. Boniface Church 133 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco

For tickets and more information about the Gubbio Project, please contact: (415) 861-5848.

For additional Info Please call Alise Halbert at (415) 407-9891 or Alison Hurwitz at (415) 810-9572

Thursdays!: Karibbean City in JUNE

Karibbean City Salsa Thursdays Dont be late for Jesus Diaz Y Su QBA this Thursday, May 31st!

**JUNE 2007**

June 7th: Double Header: Avance & Pellejo Seco - DJ Antonio $15.

June 14th: Tito y su son de Cuba - DJ Mayky $10.

June 21st: Danny Lozada "El Charanguero Mayor" - DJ Walt Digz $15.

June 28th: Fito Reinoso - Ritmo y Armonia - DJ Walt Digz $10.

Salsa lessons with Ava & Rodolfo from 8:30-9:30pm. Doing it N.Y. style "Dancing after hours"

$15. all night

Free Parking / 21+ with ID. 1408 Webster St (corner of 14th & Webster) Oakland, CA 94612. 510.251.0769.

Check out Karibbean City online!

Roccapulco Super Club! Exciting Salsa in June!

Roccapulco, internationally-renowned Salsa Club and restaurant in San Francisco For Stellar Salsa Music and Dance, Roccapulco is the place to be on Friday and Saturday nights!

This Friday, June 1st, live Salsa with Orq La Verdad and ... Saturday, June 2, live with Orq Avance

Salsa Lessons at 8:30pm with Ava and Rodolfo (this Friday and Saturday)

Roccapulco Supper Club 3140 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel. 415.648.6611

Check out Roccapulco Online!

Salsoteka 2007 at Maxwell's Lounge!

Stellar Salsa Music Every Thursday!

Come to Maxwell's and have a blast as you take in the sounds of some of the greatest Salsa musicians in the Bay Area!

This May has an amazing line-up of incredible salsa bands... Eric Rangel & Orq. America on May 10th Louie Romero and Grupo Mazacote - May 17th Fito Reinozo & Ritmo y Armonia - May 24st Tito Garcia & La Internacional - May 31st

Maxwell's Restaurant & Lounge 341 13th Street Oakland, California (510) 839-6169

Maxwell's Lounge Online!

La Verdad's Newest Album: 'From A Different Perspective' is Released . . . Go Get it!

This is the newest and best from La Verdad!

"From a Different Perspective" is stellar Salsa music at its finest. . . And it's out now!

Straight up Salsa Dura with No Monga! El Mensaje!

This is the hardest, hottest, and most exciting Salsa Music around. . .

La Verdad is Bay Area's Favorite Salsa group. . . Known for their electrifying rhythms, hot and sensuous grooves, and heated performances!

This New Album Is One You Don't Want To Miss Out On!

In Stores Now. . .InfamousMusic.net

Check Out La Verdad Online!

Glas Kat SupperClub - Salsa Dancing Every Tuesday Live Music!

GlasKat Karamba

Glas Kat SupperClub - Salsa Dancing Every Tuesday & Always Amazing Live Music!

Lessons: Alison with the Beginners at 7:45pm / Ricardo with the Intermediates at 8:30pm

General $10 520 Fourth Street, SF. General admission is $10

520 Fourth Street, SF. General admission is $10

Get more Information about the Club, and Plan to attend Every Tuesday!

SalsaCrazy's Bachata Dance Mastery System: Website is Now Open, Go Get it!

This is it! It's finally available.

This is a great, complete, step-by-step, expertly produced, Bachata Dance System, that will get you dancing! Great music, expert step-by-step instruction, multiple camera angles and closeups... This is for everyone!

No more Hype! Get it today, it's all Satisfaction Guaranteed (as is everything we do). http://www.BachataCrazy.com

There is absolutely nothing else like this, available anywhere. It's a step by step system to dancing Bachata, club style, and it's available now.

Visit SalsaCrazy's Bachata Dance Website, and Order the DVDs!

The DownLow Lounge: Wednesday Night Salsa in the East Bay!

When you think of the DownLow lounge, nestled down a set of stairs, right off Shattuck Ave. in Berkeley, you think of Salsa History, and you can't help but remember . . .

This club has been around since the days of Kimballs, and back then it was known as Mr. E's (and belonged, in fact, to Mr. Pete Escovedo).

Well, new name, but still, there's something special when you visit the DownLow. It's just a classic salsa spot . . .

Don't miss out! Great Dance Lessons for over an hour, start every night off, with SalsaMania (John and Liz). It's a great night out, at a classic salsa spot!

Live Salsa every Wednesday. Dance lessons: beg. 8-8:45, int. 8:45-9:30. Show @ 10:15

$4 Margarita special. $10/$5 w/student ID.

Visit The Downlow Website!

Quincy Summer Salsa Splash, June 15th - 17th Quincy, CA

Check out the Northern California salsa scene!!! William Flanders of Mountain Salsa Dance, in collaboration with Plumas Arts, is hosting a fun-filled salsa event, the Quincy Summer Salsa Splash, June 15th - 17th in the scenic mountain town of Quincy , CA.

There's no better reason to head to the mountains than beautiful streams to sunbathe by during the day, and a salsa orchestra to dance to at night. Yes, after William's great success with the February salsa event in Truckee, he's hosting salsa orchestra Conquista Musical from Sacramento for an evening dance, plus Espie & Esteban directly from Irvine and Rodchata from the Bay Area for daytime dance workshops at the fairgrounds in Quincy , CA .

The weekend kicks off on Friday night with a pre-party at the Roost in downtown Quincy . Saturday there will be workshops consisting of beginning to intermediate patterns and combinations, an intro to Cha Cha Cha and Casino Rueda, plus lots of Bachata! Following the daytime workshops you can dance the night away to Sacramento 's hottest salsa orchestra. On Sunday all the guest instructors will be available for private lessons.

This is an event you don't want to miss, so get on up to the picturesque town of Quincy and have some fun!

Check out Mountain Salsa Dance online!

Need an Event Team? DJ's, Instructors & Performers? We do YOUR Event!

DancEvents represents a group of highly qualified, dedicated and experienced dancers, performers, and certified instructors. Our mission is to provide fun, entertaining, quality dance instruction and creative dance entertainment. Whatever your event, we commit ourselves to making it an exciting, joyful experience for everyone.

We Provide: Elegant and Fun Social Dance Demonstrations Dance Performances In Ballroom, Latin and Swing Ensemble Performances Line Dances Modern Dance Solist, Jazz, Hip Hop and Tap Full 10-30 Minute Self Contained Shows

With all of these great dances to discover, why not "Make your next event a DancEvent!"

DancEvents, www.yourdancevents.com, (415) 820-3979

Note: To get a special deal, tell em: "SalsaCrazy sent me". :)

Visit yourdancevents.com!

SalsaBootCamp: Your Online Dance Academy! SBC Volume 3 Is Almost Complete

May at SalsaBootCamp: New Merengue Videos are uploaded! And more to come! Plus Bachata, Salsa Intermediate. . . And much more!

DVD Alert! Salsa BootCamp Volume 2: Just Released! This is it. . . Simple and exciting dance instruction, and it's being sent to every member of SalsaBootCamp, for free!

Thats right! Absolutely no charge at all. . . If you're a memeber, get ready for Volume 2 of the SalsaBootCamp DVD Series.

You'll see amazing live instruction from our best teachers. . . Each and every step broken down into easy to follow patterns and routines!

Very very fun stuff here, so if you're not a member yet, come check us out and we'll see you on the inside!

Join SalsaBootCamp Today!

We're unstoppable!

We've been adding and adding and adding...New Videos.

Bachata, Tango, NY Style On2, West Coast On1, Cha Cha...We've got it all!

Merengue Video Lessons coming soon!

Interested in Latin Dances? Salsa Boot Camp will teach you everything you need to know about that hot and sexy motion!

If you Join Now, you'll be locked in at the lowest rate.

New Videos with John Santos, legendary latin percussionist, have been put up. Featuring congas, bongos, timbales, maracas, and more.

Plus our new Salsa Japan section has been added...check it out. Salsa in Japan is HUGE!

We're adding more and more content and videos every day. The site is huge right now which is why Signing Up Today is the best time for you to be a member!

Pretty soon, when classes are full and the site gets to be so deep and rich with dance videos, tips, and resources, we're gonna have to limit the number of students and also up the price....So get in now before our 2nd Session is over! We've got hundreds of members and only a limited amount of spaces left, so grab your dance shoes and....

Register Right Now!

People are raving about it, members love it, everyone is learning to dance salsa! Salsa Boot Camp is where it's at!

Deep, and Balanced Step-By-Step Social Dance Instruction...That's Our Motto. And It Holds True...

Classes are filling up and you don't want to miss your chance to be enrolled in the most exciting and beneficial salsa school ever!

SalsaBootCamp is now accepting new members all this week, so sign up NOW before classes are Maxxed Out! Log on and secure your space...

Log on to SalsaBootCamp in order to sign up.

SalsaBootCamp.com is your Online Dance School! Learn to Salsa Dance (and other dances too), online, with fantastic, professional and fun videos, straight from our DVDs and classes.

It's simple, incredibly detailed, and constantly updated. Fresh, new content, all the time, with great breakdowns. Take my word for it, it's amazing!

This is a great online service to help you learn to dance, and take your dancing to the next level. Fun, fun, stuff. Join Today, and we'll see you on the Inside . . . Register Now!

Visit SalsaBootCamp.Com Online, and Become a Member!

SalsaCrazy's Bay Area Nightilfe and Event Calendar!

The definitive guide to Latin Nightlife and Events in the Bay Area. Everyone, and Everything is listed!

Don't know what to do tonight? Every event, throughout the entire Bay Area (and major cities outside the Bay Area) is listed right on this calendar. It's fantastic! One place you can go to check out every Salsa Dance event in the Bay. Don't miss a single event, ever - and see every night's infinite possibilities! Promoters, Nightclubs, Teachers: Make sure that your nights are listed on the calendar. Right from the Calendar page, anyone may add a listing, and it's FREE! Make sure to bookmark the page, and always add your events as far in advance as possible! Pass the word, this is a great resource for the dancers, and you should visit it often to plan your nights out!IT'S FREE - EVERYONE AND ANYONE CAN POST EVENTS, AND IT ONLY TAKES ONE MINUTE TO POST VISIT THE SALSACRAZY NIGHTLIFE SALSA CALENDAR

Louie Romero and Mazacote Release Their First Album

Mazacote is San Francisco's favorite hard-core salsa and latin jazz band.

And They Have Just Released Their First Album With Louie Romero - "Timbalero" A fixture on the Bay Area salsa scene for over a decade, Mazacote is led by legendary percussionist Louie Romero, who came to fans' attention playing with Willie Colón, Hector Lavoe, Rubén Blades, Celia Cruz, and other salsa stars in his native New York.

Mazacote plays a high-energy mixture of classic salsa favorites and original latin jazz tunes.

Singer Manny Martinez, formerly of eclectic latin rock band Los Mocosos, keeps the dancers on their feet with his lively vocals and improvisaciones.

"the Bay Area's best dance band."

Click Here to buy their CD.

The band's first CD, "Timbalero" is a fresh take on Louie's classic 1972 recording of the song with the Willie Colón band.

The album is filled with the best salsa, cha-cha, latin jazz, Cuban guajira, and even bomba - is receiving rave reviews from dancers and critics alike.

Check Out Louie And Mazacote Online

Sold Out!: The Ballroom Dance Mastery System Just Released!

Sorry Campers! This is sold out, ya' gotta move fast. We've sold out of our second run, which we don't have in stock yet. This is an amazing system, and if you didn't get it, you simply missed out. .

It will be offered again, but the price, unfortunately, will be higher. We expect stock in a month or so.


You can get this entire Seven DVD Ballroom Mastery System!

Thats 30% off each DVD! This is the best price we will ever offer for this amazing package!

Rumba, Swing, Foxtrot, and Waltz, all in one Complete Set.

This is your step by step guide to learn all the great Ballroom Dances. . . . Order Now!

Each one of these videos starts you off at the very beginning and moves at a pace that ensures both confidence and a fun learning experience.

You will be amazed how effortlessly you will pick up a whole style of dance! Not only that, but with just a few of our lessons, you'll be the best looking dancer on the floor!!

For a limited time only. . . ORDER TODAY!

BUT WAIT - If You Also Want To Learn Salsa- we've got an even better deal for you...


Ok, we really just might be crazy, or maybe we just want to give you the best deal on our DVD's ever!

For a Limited Time Only

How could we make this mastery system any better? How about 3 more DVD's!!

That's right, we are going to give you the Learn To Dance Salsa Beginner's 3-Pack!!

This is the complete highly acclaimed three-DVD beginning salsa dance system!

Get The Ultimate Ballroom Mastery System Now! That means 10 DVD's for only $247!

Sale Ends Very Soon! Taking Lessons for all of these dances would cost you thousands of dollars, now you can learn everything for a fraction of the cost! You will get:

  • The entire Basic Ballroom Mastery System
  • Plus The Learn To Dance Salsa 3-Pack


  • Free Shipping
  • And A Free SalsaBootCamp DVD!!!

I can't tell you enough how much you will love these DVD's.

Having the ability to dance confidently in all situations and styles is such a rewarding experience that I really can't express in words.

I can't wait for you to get started and having fun on the floor. . .

Get Started Now Before It's Too Late. . . Sale Ends Soon!

Purchase the Ultimate Ballroom Mastery System or the Basic Ballroom Mastery System Now!

Check out the Ballroom Dance Mastery System Online!

In 2007: DanceSF.com Salsa Classes Seven Day a Week, All Over the Bay Area!

http://www.DanceS F.com

SEVENnights of the week, in San Francisco and the EAST BAY too, New classes at NEW locations. You'll love these beginning and intermediate classes, which are now available for pre- registration! Beginning and Intermediate classes available. Beginning Classes suitable for people who have never danced, while beginner/intermediate classes are suitable for people with over 3-6 months experience. Register now to guarantee your space. No partner and no experience necessary. ALL NEW CLASSES FOR 2007. Visit DanceSF.com for Details! Visit DanceSF.com for the Current Schedule and To Register for Classes!

SalsaStyling.com Offers New Salsa Footwork and Movement DVDs

DVD Update:

There are 2 New Salsa Dance DVDs Out Now!

Covering Spins, Styling, Footwork, Cuban and Latin Movement, and a Whole Lot More...

Footwork and Styling + Dance Movement and Spins

For those dancers who want to enhance and liven their styles, these are the DVDs for you!

Click Here to visit the SalsaStyling Website!

They're perfect for all levels of dancers, even beginners, as they start slowly and progess methodically and naturally to an advanced skill level.

For Both Men and Women!


This instructional video will show you all the tricks of the trade when it comes to Cuban Movement, Spins, and other Hot Motions of Salsa Dance!


This is your video gives you the opportunity to perfect footwork and take your styling techniques to the hottest level possible!

Buy Now!

Each video has extensive breakdowns, multiple camera angles, great sound, and all the moves are danced to music (we don't fool around -- not too much at least).

These DVD's are absolutely hot, and will make you shine with your partner, on the social dance floor, or just at home in your living room.

They answer all the questions about moves, spins and styling that you'll ever have!

So Purchase Them Today!

Visit The SalsaStyling Site And Check Out The New DVDs

New Salsa Bands: Julio Bravo and Mazacote, Plus Anthony Blea and Benny Velarde

Check out these Fantastic Bands and their Latest Albums!

SalsaCrazy's Salsa Dance DVD Mastery System, 5 DVD Set!

This is the ultimate collection to take you through beginner and intermediate salsa dance. This set includes all of SalsaCrazy's Beginning and Intermediate Learn to Salsa Dance DVD's. Enjoy these fun, sexy and easy- to-follow lessons on high-quality video in the privacy of your own home. Order this Mastery collection today and you'll be dancing tomorrow. After these DVD's you will be the master of all that is salsa dancing!

All DVD's can also be purchased seperately! Get More information from the Website!

Sabor Boricua - Salsa Radio on the Internet with La Coqui

DJ Coqui, Salsaroots.com and Salsacrazy.com are proud to announce our new Internet radio station SABOR BORICUA. Listen to the hottest Salsa Sounds on the internet compiled by DJ Ivette "DJ LA COQUI" This Station Plays Tracks Like: Celia Cruz - Mi Vida Es Cantar - Mi Vida Es Cantar Ismael Miranda - Borinquen Tiene Montuno - Fania 30 Great Years, Vol. 2 ( Johnny Polanco - Guacuanco con rumba - Pa'l Bailador Roberto Roena - Baila y Goza - Roberto Roena y Su Apollo Sound: Mi Mica 1997 Walker, Rico / Willie Rosario - La Bomba - Back to the Future